0.60 (2.17%)
March 19, 2025

BSE Small Cap PB

3.2 0.07 (2.24%)

BSE Small Cap DIV

0.7 -0.02 (-2.74%)

BSE Small Cap EPS

1,607.5 -36.33 (-2.12%)

BSE Small Cap Price

47,296.8 952.22 (2.05%)

BSE Small Cap Historical PE Analysis

1 Month PE Range
L Below 1M average H
3 Months PE Range
L Below 3M average H
6 Months PE Range
L Near 6M low H
1 Year PE Range
L Below 1Y average H
2 Years PE Range
L Below 2Y average H
5 Years PE Range
L Above 5Y average H
P/E is short for the ratio of a company's share price to its per-share earnings. To calculate the P/E, you simply take the current stock price of a company and divide by its earnings per share (EPS). P/E Ratio = Market Value per Share/Earnings per Share (EPS). (Investopedia)

BSE Small Cap PE Chart

BSE Small Cap Price to Earnings for all constituents

BSE Small Cap Price to Earnings for index companies, and analysis of constituents

Stock Name LTP
Last Traded Price
Day Change (%) PE TTM PB TTM EPS TTM Dividend Yield
Aarti Drugs 357.9 21.4 0.3
Accelya Solutions 1,322.2 20.5 6.8
Aegis Logistics 795.7 48.3 0.4
Agro Tech Foods 810.6 541.8 0.4
Akzo Nobel 3,375.4 35.8 2.8
Alembic Pharma 952.6 31.0 1.2
Alkyl Amines Chemicals 1,604.6 46.0 0.6
Apar Industries 5,928.2 29.5 0.9
Apcotex Industries 318.5 31.4 1.7
Apollo Tyres 425.9 21.0 1.4
Aptech 126.0 43.3 3.6
Ashoka Buildcon 192.4 3.6 0
Astec Lifesciences 694.6 -11.4 0
Astra Microwave 706.7 49.9 0.3
AstraZeneca Pharma 8,510.8 219.4 0.3
Atul Auto 468.2 65.6 0
Atul 5,774.6 40.9 0.3
Automotive Axles 1,719.3 16.9 1.9
Avanti Feeds 933.9 26.4 0.7
Bajaj Consumer Care 164.1 17.3 0
Bajaj Hindusthan Sugar 20.8 -17.4 0
Balmer Lawrie & Comp 191.0 12.3 4.4
Balrampur Chini 534.7 26.3 0.6
Banco Products 353.6 16.5 3.1
BASF 4,516.6 31.9 0.3
Bata 1,243.4 45.9 1.8
BF Investment 497.1 3.9 0
BF Utilities 697.6 103.9 0
Bharat Bijlee 2,794.2 24.0 1.3
Birla Corporation 1,042.8 34.6 1.0
Bliss GVS Pharma 122.8 21.7 0.4
Blue Star 2,152.7 79.4 0.3
Bombay Burmah Trading 1,784.6 11.6 0.8
Bombay Dyeing 138.9 5.3 0.9
Brigade Enterprises 963.9 36.5 0.2
Camlin Fine Sciences 173.1 -15.1 0
Can Fin Homes 675.7 10.8 1.5
Caplin Point Labs 1,998.3 29.5 0.3
Carborundum Universal 1,022.2 48.9 0.4
CCL Products 593.3 28.9 0.3
Ceat 2,840.2 23.8 1.1
Century Plyboards 726.8 76.0 0.1
Cera Sanitaryware 5,600.8 30.6 1.1
Chambal Fertilisers 597.1 14.8 1.3
Chennai Petroleum 633.0 25.3 8.7
City Union Bank 160.1 10.9 0.9
Heubach Colorants 582.5 28.8 0
Cosmo First 653.5 14.1 0.5
Cyient 1,316.8 23.0 2.3
D-Link 429.7 15.0 4.2
Datamatics Global 603.7 16.8 0.8
DB Corp 238.0 9.6 8.4
DCB Bank 112.8 6.0 1.1
DCM Shriram 1,131.3 32.5 0.7
DCW 79.4 68.5 0
Deepak Fertilisers 1,143.1 16.6 0.7
Delta Corp 89.4 15.3 1.4
Den Networks 33.0 7.3 0
Dhanuka Agritech 1,263.6 20.3 0.5
Dish TV 6.4 -0.6 0
eClerx Services 2,749.3 25.2 0.0
EID Parry 777.9 17.0 0
Electrosteel Castings 104.0 8.4 0.9
Eveready Industries 308 28.0 0.3
Everest Industries 477.1 -130.0 0.5
Excel Industries 939.6 14.8 0.6
FDC 414.0 24.6 1.2
FIEM Industries 1,370.8 18.8 1.5
63 Moons Tech 786.7 -100.3 0.3
Fineotex Chemical 231.6 22.4 0.3
Finolex Cables 839 18.5 1.0
Finolex Industries 174.1 13.5 1.4
Firstsource Solutions 317.5 39.0 1.3
Force Motors 8,462.4 22.0 0.2
Fortis Healthcare 628.3 61.7 0.2
Gabriel 589.2 36.8 0.7
Garware Technical Fibres 827.3 35.7 0.1
Allcargo Gati 58.6 -351.7 0
Genus Power 281.6 40.3 0.2
GIC Housing Finance 174.2 5.2 2.6
Godawari Power 185.0 15.3 0.7
Gokaldas Exports 879.9 41.9 0
Granules 507.5 25.7 0.3
Graphite 464.2 21.2 2.4
Grauer & Weil 90.4 25.5 0.6
Gravita 1,802.4 46.5 0.3
Great Eastern 942.3 4.7 3.7
Greaves Cotton 228.3 143.8 0.9
Grindwell Norton 1,787.3 53.5 1.0
Gujarat Alkalies 548 -33.5 2.5
Gujarat Ambuja 107.6 16.0 0.3
Gujarat Industries 175.5 12.8 2.3
Gujarat Mineral 271.7 13.0 3.5
Gujarat Narmada 491 14.0 3.4
Gujarat Pipavav Port 135.9 18.7 5.7
Gujarat State Fertilizer 181.1 13.3 2.2
Gujarat State 288.7 11.9 1.7
Gulf Oil Lubricants 1,257.0 17.5 3.2
Hathway Cable & Datacom 13.7 26.3 0
Hawkins Cookers 7,290.0 33.7 1.6
HBL Power Systems 465.3 41.2 0.1
HEG 429.5 37.4 1.0
Heidelberg Cement 195.8 42.5 4.1
Heritage Foods 405.7 19.8 0.6
Hester Biosciences 1,389 37.9 0.4
Hikal 410.5 67.9 0.3
HIL 1,840.4 -167.2 1.2
HFCL 82.8 32.4 0.2
Himatsingka Seide 155.3 22.2 0.2
Hinduja Global 525.4 11.7 1.3
Hindustan Constrn 27.5 18.7 0
Hindustan Copper 229.9 55.3 0.4
Hindustan Oil 177 14.0 0
Johnson Controls-Hitachi 1,830.1 96.5 0
Honda Power 2,100.2 35.8 1.3
Huhtamaki 187.7 16.1 2.7
IFB Industries 1,264.9 45.7 0
IFCI 45.3 120.7 0
I G Petrochemicals 444 13.8 1.7
Igarashi Motors 523.3 62.8 0.2
India Glycols 1,077.5 16.0 0.7
Embassy Developments 119.3 -49.6 0
Indian Hume Pipe Company 374.9 19.3 0.4
Indo Count 272.5 16.5 0.8
Indoco Remedies 235.2 -204.1 0.6
Ingersoll-Rand 3,539.2 42.4 2.1
Inox Wind 171.9 72.8 0
Insecticides 621.7 13.3 0.3
Intellect Design Arena 709.7 36.4 0.5
Andhra Paper 72.5 12.1 2.8
IRB Infrastructure 46.8 4.4 0.9
ISGEC Heavy Engg 1,076.1 31.7 0.4
ITD Cementation 554.5 27.3 0.3
ITI 261.8 -56.0 0
JK Tyre & Industries 294.8 14.2 1.2
J B Chemicals 1,650.3 40.1 0.9
JK Cement 4,822.5 51.8 0.4
Jagran Prakashan 71.0 9.1 7.0
Jai Corp 101.2 26.6 0.5
Jain Irrigation 60.8 -981.9 0
Jaiprakash Power 15.0 8.2 0
Jammu & Kashmir Bank 96.4 5.0 2.2
Jamna Auto 79.1 17.1 2.9
Jay Bharat Maruti 64.9 29.8 1.1
JBM Auto 568 70.2 0.1
Jindal Saw 275.0 9.0 0.7
JK Lakshmi Cement 772.7 33.3 0.6
JK Paper 318.4 8.9 1.6
JM Financial 97.8 24.4 2.0
JSW Holdings 22,954.7 116.1 0
Just Dial 867.3 13.6 0
Jyothy Labs 345.5 34.1 1.0
Kajaria Ceramics 885.1 39.8 1.2
Kalyani Steels 810.4 15.0 1.2
Karnataka Bank 181.5 5.3 3.0
KEC International 839.1 49.2 0.5
KEI Industries 2,890.3 43.3 0.1
Kiri Industries 610.1 10.4 0
Kitex Garments 173.7 27.5 0.3
KNR Constructions 243.4 5.6 0.1
Kolte-Patil Developers 337.9 181.3 1.2
KPR Mill 934.5 38.8 0.5
La Opala RG 221.7 26.0 4.5
Lakshmi Machine 16,206.5 143.4 0.5
LG Balakrishnan 1,250.4 13.9 1.4
Lumax Auto Tech 553 23.0 1.0
Lumax Industries 2,401.6 17.0 1.5
Mahanagar Telephone Nigam 46.0 -0.9 0
Maharashtra Scooters 10,127.3 71.1 1.7
Maharashtra Seamless 710.8 12.6 1.4
CIE Automotive 405.2 18.6 1.2
Mahindra Resorts 327 48.1 0
Mahindra Lifespace 339.4 110.3 0.8
Man Infraconstruction 156.5 21.1 0.6
Manali Petchems 61.8 53.7 1.2
Manappuram Finance 234.2 10.1 1.7
Mangalam Cement 747.6 45.2 0.2
Marksans Pharma 216.8 26.7 0.3
Mastek 2,329.0 18.6 0.8
Mayur Uniquoters 477.9 14.8 0.6
Procter & Gamble Health 5,503.4 38.6 2.5
Minda Corporation 533.9 46.6 0.3
MMTC 54.8 53.4 0
MOIL 339.0 19.3 1.9
Mold-Tek Packaging 442.8 23.6 0.7
Monte Carlo Fashions 542.5 15.2 3.7
Morepen Laboratories 50.2 21.9 0
Multi Commodity Exchange 5,464.1 54.4 0.1
National Fertilizers 84.1 16.1 0.3
NAVA 477.8 13.0 0.8
Navin Fluorine 4,246.7 79.8 0.3
Navneet Education 136.1 3.7 3.0
NCC 206.0 16.1 1.1
Nesco 932.0 16.8 0.6
Network18 47.4 -4.2 0
Neuland Laboratories 11,793.0 50.5 0.1
Nilkamal 1,604.7 22.2 1.2
NOCIL 191.1 25.8 1.6
Novartis 842 24.1 3.0
NRB Bearings 219.2 18.8 1.1
Nucleus Software Exp 823.7 14.4 1.5
Orient Cement 337.0 58.9 0.4
RHI Magnesita 470.3 -106.0 0.5
Patel Engineering 43.2 10.4 0
Pennar Industries 188.4 22.6 0
Pfizer 4,117.1 30.6 0.9
PCBL 423.1 35.8 1.3
PNB Gilts 81.1 6.5 1.2
PNC Infratech 273.8 6.2 0.2
Polyplex Corporation 1,214.2 18.4 0.8
Praj Industries 574.5 48.6 1.0
Pricol 448.9 31.5 0
Prism Johnson 126.8 -93.5 0
PVR INOX 974.4 -33.7 0
Radico Khaitan 2,307.7 100.4 0.1
Rain Industries 136.1 -8.1 0.7
Rallis 224.9 32.2 1.1
Ramco Industries 230.9 10.6 0.3
Ramco Systems 310.3 -18.5 0
Ramkrishna Forgings 843.9 32.9 0.2
Rashtriya Chemicals 127.3 26.5 1.0
Ratnamani Metals & Tubes 2,744.2 36.4 0.5
Redington 250.2 15.5 2.5
Reliance Industrial 841.9 102.1 0.4
Repco Home Finance 345.6 4.8 0.9
Rico Auto Industries 65.7 30.2 0.9
RPG Life Sciences 2,333.7 48.8 0.7
Sandur Manganese & Iron 463.3 15.7 0.2
Sanghi Industries 57.3 -3.7 0
Sanghvi Movers 263.8 16.8 1.1
Sarda Energy & Minerals 545.6 28.0 0.2
Sasken Technologies 1,404.3 37.4 1.8
Schneider Electric 686.3 75.8 0
Shalimar Paints 107.3 -9.3 0
Sharda Cropchem 584 21.6 1.0
Shilpa Medicare 682.5 75.6 0
Shoppers Stop 506.1 173.5 0
Shree Renuka Sugars 30.2 -12.8 0
Siyaram Silk Mills 672.2 15.7 1.6
SKF 3,809.1 35.0 3.4
SML Isuzu 1,651.9 19.8 1.0
Snowman Logistics 47.8 202.8 2.1
Sobha 1,271.7 210.8 0.2
Somany Ceramics 439.2 25.9 0.7
JTEKT 121.6 36.4 0.5
Sonata Software 375.1 24.6 1.2
South n Bank 24.1 5.0 1.2
Steel Strips Wheels 187.7 4.5 0.5
Subros 587.3 28.4 0.3
Sudarshan Chemical 1,000.4 66.7 0.1
Sun Pharma Advanced 147.8 -12.3 0
Sundram Fasteners 936.6 35.9 0.8
Sunteck Realty 400.1 29.1 0.4
Surya Roshni 249.2 16.9 1.0
Swan Energy 443.7 17.4 0.0
Swaraj Engines 3,749.1 29.2 2.5
Symphony 1,157.2 43.7 1.1
Taj GVK Hotels & Resorts 513.4 28.3 0.3
Tamil Nadu Newsprint 129.6 61.4 0.8
Tanla Platforms 502.3 13.0 2.4
Tata Investment 6,433.9 97.2 0.4
Texmaco Rail & Engg 145.3 25.1 0.3
Time Technoplast 383.0 23.4 0.5
Timken 2,706.6 50.6 0.1
Titagarh Rail Systems 784.5 36.5 0.1
Transport Corp 1,057.6 20.2 0.9
Trident 25.6 44.5 1.4
Triveni Engineering 402.9 39.9 0.3
Triveni Turbine 565.6 53.0 0.6
TTK Prestige 617.6 39.9 1.0
TV Today Network 170.1 12.7 5.0
TVS Srichakra 2,674.7 58.8 1.8
Uflex 488.1 -11.9 0.2
Unichem Laboratories 709.7 -157.6 0
Usha Martin 339.9 25.1 0.8
V-Guard Industries 350.2 51.1 0.4
V-Mart Retail 2,892.3 -491.1 0
VST Tillers Tractors 3,693.4 30.9 0.5
Va Tech Wabag 1,513.3 35.1 0
Vadilal Industries 5,196.4 23.9 0.0
Vaibhav Global 234.6 27.7 2.6
Vardhman Textiles 396.1 13.5 1.0
Venky's 1,679.7 17.3 0.4
Vimta Labs 1,155 41.8 0.2
Vinati Organics 1,602.5 43.0 0.4
Voltamp Transformers 7,219.2 22.7 1.2
VRL Logistics 486.5 32.7 1.0
ZF Commercial 11,983.8 52.3 0.1
Welspun Corp 879.4 15.6 0.6
Welspun Living 137.5 20.2 0.1
West Coast Paper 432.3 7.4 1.9
Wonderla Holidays 666.7 35.0 0.4
Zen Technologies 1,422.2 60.0 0.1
Zensar Technologies 674.1 23.7 1.3
Zydus Wellness 1,667.6 32.6 0.3
India Cements 279.6 -39.6 0
Kalpataru Projects 973.6 31.6 0.8
Engineers 163.8 22.2 1.8
Geojit Fin Serv 75.0 11.2 2.0
GE Power 260.7 27.1 0
KRBL 282.5 14.8 1.4
J Kumar Infraprojects 677.7 13.6 0.6
Sterlite Tech 86.7 -25.2 0
Himadri Speciality 441.6 42.3 0.1
Mas Financial 255.0 15.6 0.6
SIS 315.3 20.4 0
Advanced Enzyme 291.6 24.5 1.7
Dilip Buildcon 474.5 14.6 0.2
Centrum Capital 25.5 -6.4 0
Sheela Foam 752.5 58.7 0
Uttam Sugar Mills 259.4 15.1 1.0
Seshasayee Paper & Boards 273.5 12.4 1.8
Rane Holdings 1,336 8.5 1.9
Avadh Sugar & Energy 446.5 12.5 2.2
India Metals & Ferro Alloys 653.6 8.4 5.7
Star Cement 214.9 65.1 0
GNA Axles 332.0 14.5 0.6
Eris Lifesciences 1,390.9 57.5 0.5
IOL Chemicals 65.1 19.6 1.2
BLS International 397.4 36.1 0.1
Balaji Amines 1,263.3 22.1 0.9
GMM Pfaudler 1,047.5 40.9 0.2
Bhansali Polymers 111.3 15.3 3.6
TCI Express 670.5 26.3 1.2
Capacit'e Infraprojects 354.5 14.9 0
Rane Madras 661.9 -156.9 0
Shalby 202.7 66.5 0.6
India Tourism Development 602.7 71.7 0.4
Satin Creditcare 147.9 5.6 0
Syngene Intl 716 57.5 0.2
Navkar Corporation 105.8 -81.6 0
S H Kelkar & Company 184.6 577.1 0.4
Capri Global Capital 166.7 35.9 0.1
Cochin Shipyard 1,438.3 47.4 0.7
Tejas Networks 799.9 21.2 0
Sunflag Iron & Steel 242.2 27.0 0
LT Foods 381.3 22.3 0.8
Thyrocare Tech 736.8 44.5 2.4
Dalmia Bharat Sugar 368.4 11.0 1.6
Narayana Hrudayalaya 1,663.8 43.4 0.2
Butterfly Gandhimathi 619.8 296.6 0
Dr. Lal Pathlabs 2,533.9 50.8 0.9
Dwarikesh Sugar 40.8 -7,293.4 0
Power Mech Projects 2,170.1 23.4 0.0
Indian Energy Exchange 172.7 37.7 1.7
PSP Projects 633.6 38.4 0
Thirumalai Chemicals 247.3 -48.2 0.4
Welspun Enterprises 499.5 23.2 0.6
Lincoln Pharma 557.8 12.5 0.3
Nelcast 92.3 27.9 0.4
TeamLease Services 1,931.2 32.0 0
Quick Heal Tech 311.4 75.3 1.0
Universal Cables 509.9 20.0 0.6
Vascon Engineers 38.3 7.8 0
Vindhya Telelinks 1,355.5 8.0 1.1
Shankara Building 601.6 19.9 0.5
Parag Milk Foods 159.3 18.6 0.3
Mahanagar Gas 1,380 13.0 2.2
Prataap Snacks 1,046.2 -250.9 0.2
Ramky Infrastructure 500 12.9 0
Mahindra Logistics 268.6 -50.1 0.9
Quess Corp 683.1 27.4 1.5
Gufic BioSciences 340.1 41.6 0.0
Mishra Dhatu Nigam 286.6 53.2 0
Galaxy Surfactants 2,199.9 25.4 1.8
Orient Electric 214.2 70.6 0.7
Religare Enterprises 237.2 110.6 0
Apollo Pipes 365.1 57.7 0.3
Lemon Tree Hotels 139.1 61.6 0
Rupa & Company 193.5 20.0 1.6
Newgen Software 1,034.2 46.9 0.4
Jindal Worldwide 57.7 72.8 0.1
Westlife Foodworld 722.4 989.1 0
Aster DM Healthcare 433 4.1 28.6
Tasty Bite Eatables 8,772.6 102.5 0.0
Dishman Carbogen 226.8 -32.4 0
Cigniti Technologies 1,413.3 25.0 0
Strides Pharma 702.2 24.0 0.4
Confidence Petroleum 51.6 23.4 0.2
Amber Enterprises 6,890.6 104.9 0
HG Infra Engineering 1,127.8 13.4 0.1
Bharat Dynamics 1,293.1 83.8 0.7
Safari Industries 2,065.1 68.0 0.1
Esab 4,625.2 41.3 2.2
Filatex 39.4 13.6 0.5
Nelco 848.4 98.2 0.3
Sequent Scientific 144.7 196.6 0
Globus Spirits 1,009 161.5 0.3
Transpek Industry 1,273.3 20.2 1.1
Orient Paper 24.7 -12.2 1.0
Olectra Greentech 1,215.3 75.8 0.0
VIP Industries 294.9 -64.1 0
CESC 150.8 14.3 3.0
Arvind 335.1 29.1 1.4
Aavas Financiers 1,981.1 27.8 0
Ircon International 160.1 19.8 1.8
CreditAccess Grameen 1,009.5 18.3 1.0
Rites 239.5 30.4 3.1
Fine Organic 3,968.4 28.4 0.3
Ashiana Housing 303.3 199.7 0.5
Godfrey Phillips 6,258.9 32.3 1.5
Garden Reach Shipbuilders 1,701.6 49.4 0.6
Neogen Chemicals 1,776.5 94.9 0.1
Arvind Fashions 405.8 57.2 0.3
Chalet Hotels 815.9 176.2 0
MSTC 515.1 8.7 8.0
Prakash Industries 156.7 7.9 0.8
Wockhardt 1,518.8 -129.2 0
The Anup Engineering 3,266.6 50.1 0.6
Dolat Algotech 86.1 6.2 0.3
Metropolis Healthcare 1,596.5 53.8 0
Kennametal 2,289.8 43.5 1.3
Blue Dart Express 5,897.7 50.9 0.4
Reliance Infra 239.5 28.8 0
IIFL Finance 340 26.5 0
Solara Active Pharma 530.7 -8.5 0
VST Industries 273.8 14.3 5.0
Kirloskar Oil Engines 746.8 21.4 0.8
Cantabil Retail 270.3 32.0 0.4
RPSG Ventures 843.2 -20.6 0
Birlasoft 404.4 19.5 1.6
EIH 385.2 34.0 0.3
CSB Bank 301.2 9.4 0
Greenply Industries 291.6 35.2 0.2
Jindal Poly Films 713.6 11.6 0.8
Sterling and Wilson 255.8 217.0 0
IIFL Securities 218.9 8.9 1.4
Suven Pharma 1,211.3 110.4 0
Hindware Home Innovation 209.5 -49.8 0.2
Ujjivan Small Finance 35.6 7.1 4.2
Suven Life Sciences 125.1 -19.0 0
IndiaMART InterMESH 2,142.1 27.4 0.9
AGI Greenpac 741.7 16.5 0.8
Spandana Sphoorty 267.4 -4.0 0
Borosil Renewables 507.4 -68.9 0
360 One Wam 942.8 36.8 0.6
Tata Chemicals 847.3 -38.6 1.8
Hitachi Energy 12,059.7 171.3 0.0
Affle 1,541.7 59.1 0
Thomas Cook 140.8 26.9 0.4
Greenpanel Industries 231.8 39.2 0.1
Prince Pipes 256.7 38.6 0.4
Alembic 100.1 8.2 2.4
Sumitomo Chemical 535.1 51.8 0.2
Century Textiles 2,038.4 -862.4 0.2
Century Enka 539.4 14.7 1.9
Kaveri Seed Company 1,269 21.5 0.4
Ion Exchange 492.2 33.2 0.3
AVT Natural Products 58.4 19.8 1.4
Balmer Lawrie 70.2 7.8 5.4
National Aluminium 185.5 8.1 5.4
Cholamandalam Fin 1,692.3 15.3 0.0
Vesuvius 4,582.8 35.2 0.3
NBCC 83.7 45.1 1.1
Poly Medicure 2,318 74.5 0.1
Arman Fin Serv 1,433 16.7 0
Saint-Gobain Sekurit 105.2 28.8 1.9
NLC 257.5 15.8 1.2
Varroc Engineering 439.2 68.8 0
Paisalo Digital 34.9 16.5 0.3
Alok Industries 16.9 -8.8 0
Mangalore Refinery 135.5 28.8 1.5
Sagar Cements 180.1 -18.7 0.4
Shree Digvijay Cement 70.9 27.2 4.2
Sammaan Capital 118.0 -5.4 1.7
HLE Glascoat 253.9 50.2 0.4
Dollar Industries 404.2 24.2 0.7
PNB Housing Finance 860.8 12.3 0
Pilani Investment 4,347.9 31.1 0.3
Godrej Agrovet 768.3 35.5 1.3
Healthcare Global 523 125.0 0
Goldiam Intl 408.9 39.1 0.5
India Nippon Electricals 594 17.8 2.1
GTPL Hathway 114.1 25.4 3.5
Thangamayil Jewellery 1,884.9 50.7 0.3
Hindustan Foods 555.6 64.1 0
Indraprastha Medical 399.2 24.2 1.1
Goodyear 837.7 42.0 1.8
Mangalore Chemicals 148.9 13.3 1.0
Kokuyo Camlin 108.5 91.7 0.5
Satia Industries 72.8 5.9 0.3
Housing and Urban 202.8 15.1 3.6
EPL 204.0 24.4 2.4
ACE 1,250.9 38.3 0.2
Rossari Biotech 627.6 25.5 0.1
Subex 13.1 -4.3 0
Fairchem Organics 974.1 38.3 0.8
Hemisphere Properties 132.3 -348.2 0
UTI Asset Management 1,070.2 17.0 4.4
Happiest Minds 656.3 44.9 0.9
Computer Age Mgmt 3,815.7 41.0 1.8
Privi Speciality 1,550.6 39.8 0.1
Angel One 2,336.8 15.8 0.9
Man Industries 267.4 15.9 0
Anant Raj 540.4 48.1 0.1
Equitas Small Finance Bank 57.1 20.8 1.8
Restaurant Brands Asia 64 -13.0 0
Route Mobile 999.4 18.0 1.1
Sharda Motor 1,499.7 13.5 0.7
TARC 121.4 -20.1 0
Mrs. Bectors Food 1,560.7 67.2 0.3
CARE Ratings 1,160.7 29.3 1.6
Expleo Solutions 878.3 14.4 5.7