With reference to captioned subject and in furtherance of Rights Issue of the Company, this is to inform that in terms of the Letter of Offer dated October 05, 2024 and in accordance with the Basis of Allotment finalized in consultation with BSE Limited(BSE) (Designated Stock Exchange), Bombay Stock Exchanges and the Registrar to the Issue, the Rights Issue Committee and Board of Directors of the Company has, at its meeting held on today, i.e., Monday November 18, 2024, approved the allotment of 47,03,94,342 Rights Equity Shares of face value of ?1/- each at a price of ?1/- per Rights Equity Share as follows. Particular Number of shares Amount in Rs. Equity Shares of issued at Rs. 1 per share 47,03,94,342 Rs. 47,03,94,342 The meeting commenced at 06:20 P.M. and concluded at 6:30 P.M. You are requested to please take the same in your record.