10.3M NSE+BSE Volume
NSE 27 Mar, 2025 12:40 PM (IST)
SEPC Key Metrics
SEPC Stock Price Analysis
Day Price Range | 14.2 (LTP) 1414.6 LowHigh |
Week Price Range | 14.2 (LTP) 1416.9 LowHigh |
Month Price Range | 14.2 (LTP) 1217.5 LowHigh |
52 Week Price Range | 14.2 (LTP) 1233.4 LowHigh |
SEPC Live Price Chart
SEPC Stock Analysis
SEPC stock analysis with key metrics, changes, and trends.
Annual Revenue | ₹607.21 Cr | 52.23% | positive |
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Annual Net Profit | ₹22.78 Cr | 564.61% | positive |
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Price to Earning Ratio | 104.96 | - | negative |
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Stock Price | ₹14.18 | -14.73% | negative |
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Quarterly Revenue | ₹159.75 Cr | 5.45% | negative |
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Quarterly Net profit | ₹4.44 Cr | 19.71% | negative |
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Debt to Equity Ratio | 0.37 | - | positive |
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Return on Equity(ROE) | 1.88 % | 1.88% | negative |
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Mutual Fund Holding | 0.00 % | 0% | neutral |
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Promoter Share Holding | 33.37 % | -0.57% | negative |
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Interest Coverage Ratio | 1.63 | - | positive |
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Promoter Pledges | 33.95 % | 0% | neutral |
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Earnings Conference Calls, Investor Presentations and Annual Reports
SEPC Ltd. - Company Profile
What does SEPC Ltd. do?

SEPC The company provides end-to-end solutions to engineering challenges, offering multi disciplinary design, engineering, procurement, construction and project management services. SEPC is focused on providing turnkey solutions for ferrous & non ferrous, cement, aluminum, copper and thermal power plants, water treatment & transmission, renewable energy, cooling towers & material handling.
Website: www.shriramepc.com
SEPC Ltd. Management structure
SEPC Ltd. Board of directors
SEPC Ltd. - company history
SEPC Limited (Formerly Shriram EPC Limited) which is a part of the Shriram EPC Group has diverse interests across Project Engineering & Construction. The company provides end-to-end solutions to engineering challenges, offering multi disciplinary design, engineering, procurement, construction and project management services. SEPC is focused on providing turnkey solutions for ferrous & non ferrous, cement, aluminum, copper and thermal power plants, water treatment & transmission, renewable energy, cooling towers & material handling. The Company along with the Joint operators enters into contracts with the customers for execution of the projects. Shriram EPC was incorporated in June 12 of the year 2000, headquartered in Chennai (formerly known as Madras), Tamil Nadu, with other offices in Mumbai, New Delhi, Kolkata and Beijing, and WTG & Cooling tower factories in Puducherry, Chennai and Umbergaon (Gujarat). It offers the services include detailed design & engineering, material procurement & overall project and construction management services and also one of India's leading 250KW wind turbine generator ("WTG") manufacturers. The company's businesses are categorized into two segments engineering, procurement and construction ("EPC") projects and development, sale and maintenance of WTGs. EPC projects of the company experienced and footprint of the same reached across 16 states in India, In WTG section the company also completed wind energy projects throughout India, particularly in south India, and internationally in Zambia and France. The company's network covers through Joint Venture Partners with Leitwind (Leitwind BV ("Leitwind")) and Hamon (Hamon Thermal Europe, an affiliate of Hamon & Cie ("Hamon Group"), Technology partnership with CPT Perco, Angerlehner, Danieli (Italy), Waterburry (USA), SSIT (China), Danielli (Italy) SMS, Swemco (USA) and Aker Kvaerner (USA). Shriram EPC Ltd began its operations in the biomass power plants business in December 2000 with the execution of the first biomass power plant project in Andhra Pradesh, the biomass power plants business is engaged in the design, engineering and construction of thermal biomass-based power plants. The company commenced its process and metallurgy business in the year 2003. While in 2004, the company acquired of the cooling towers business of Shriram Tower Tech Limited, municipal services business of water and wastewater management and water distribution systems and pipe rehabilitation and the business of erection, testing and commissioned wind electric generators. Shriram EPC executed the joint operation agreement with the Hammon Group in the same year 2004 to carry out projects regarding cooling tower solutions. Shriram Engineering Construction Company Limited was merged with the company with effect from April 1, 2004, since both companies were in the same line of business, namely, construction engineering. During the year 2005 and 2006, the company's Investment made by UNO Investments and Bessemer Venture Partners Trust respectively. The company received certification by DEWI - OCC for designing and manufacturing 250 KW wind turbine in August of the year 2006. The MoU with Leitner Technologies for manufacture and marketing of megawatt class wind turbines was happened in November of the identical year. On January 16, 2007 we entered into a Joint Venture Agreement with Leitner B.V., Netherlands to set up Leitner Shriram Manufacturing Limited, an Associate company formed for the purposes of manufacturing of megawatt class wind turbines and components and in February 3, 2007, the company entered into a Joint Venture Agreement with Leitner B.V., Netherlands to set up Shriram Leitwind Limited, a Subsidiary company, formed for the purposes of marketing of wind turbines, wind farm development, and erection and commissioning of wind turbines. In February 2007 the Joint Venture Agreement was made with Hamon Thermopack Engineers Private Limited, in March an exclusive license was received from Hamon Shriram Cottrell Inc to design, manufacture and sell certain air pollution control products and systems Hamon Research-Cottrell, Inc and also the company entered into a memorandum of understanding on August 28, 2007 with Bessemer Venture Partners Trust ("BVP") for power generation through renewable sources. In September 2007 the company successfully installed 1.35 MW WTG demo machine in Tamilnadu. The company work on a project-to-project basis with Chevalier Pipe Technologies Limited, whereby the company have been granted license to use its rib loc technology in India. Shriram EPC Ltd is moving with continues action to generate strong financial returns and create a world-class engineering, procurement and construction company, with a particular focus in renewable energy and also be a developer and manufacturer of technologically advanced WTGs. The company's objective is to expand and enhance the presence throughout India and abroad by capitalizing on competitive strengths, local experience, and familiarity with local working conditions. Intend to target specific project segments and industries where there is high potential for growth and where enjoy competitive advantages. The company also maintains the relationships with clients and strategic partners of the company to attain the same all above. The Company merged business of marketing Company, Shriram Leitwind Ltd with LSML, the associate company. The Associate Company, Orient Green Power Company Ltd. (OGPL) finalised plans for an Initial Public Offer (IPO) to raise, around Rs.900 crores to finance expansion of its business. Leitner Shriram Manufacturing Ltd( LSML) set up an art of facility at Gummidipoondi for the manufacture of the wind turbines and the trial production commenced in March 2009, with the formal inauguration taking place in September 2009. During the year 2012-13, the Company commissioned 300 TPD Cattle Feed Project at Karunagapally, Kalletumkara, Kollam; Ammonia Liquid treatment project for Rourkela Steel Plant was commissioned. During the year 2018-19, the Company's wholly owned subsidiary, Shriram EPC FZE Sharjah acquired 70% in the equity capital of Shriram EPC Arkaan LLC and resultant to this, Shriram EPC Arkaan LLC became the step down subsidiary of the Company. During the year 2020-21, the Company's name changed from Shriram EPC Limited to SEPC Limited effective from February 12, 2021. The project for constructing Balance of Plant (BoP) for 1.2 MTPA Mini Mill Project in Sohar, Sultanate of Oman was commissioned. The Company's step down subsidiary Shriram EPC Arkaan LLC implemented the onsite portion of the project at Sohar, Sultanate of Oman. In 2022, Company in joint venture with Mokul Infrastructure Private Limited (Mokul Shriram EPC JV (MSJV) completed Sewerage, Storm water and Trunk Sewer Pipeline Project along with Civil Works and Road Works at Al Qibla area, for Basra Governorate, Basra, Iraq valued at USD 236 Million. In 2023-24, Company completed the balance of plant and main equipment erection for a 1.2 MTPA steel plant in Oman. It incorporated a 100% subsidiary namely, SEPC Arabia Limited Company,for exploiting the market potential in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in 2023. It acquired 75% stake in ALMOAYYED Electrical Equipment & Instrumentation Systems LLC (AEEIS) Abudhabi, UAE in 2024.