Dalmia Bharat Old Share Price History, Performance Analysis, and Returns Pattern
Dalmia Bharat Old Share Price Analysis: Historical Data compared to Nifty, Sensex, and Sector, Returns Pattern, Calendar and Deep Dive
Historical Returns Comparison of Dalmia Bharat Old with Nifty, Sensex, Industry and Sector
Last update at 28 Nov, 2018 3:31 PM (IST)
Time | Dalmia Bharat Old | Nifty50 Returns | Sensex Returns | Industry Returns | Sector Returns |
1 Day | 0% | -0.31% | -0.25% | -0.32% | -0.37% |
1 Week | - | 1.42% | 1.4% | 5.31% | 3.75% |
1 Month | - | 4.32% | 3.76% | 9.83% | 8.55% |
3 Months | - | -1.23% | -1.63% | 1.81% | -4.08% |
6 Months | - | -10.16% | -9.53% | -4.38% | -9.72% |
1 Year | - | 6.31% | 6.05% | 10.72% | 6.24% |
3 Year | - | 37.12% | 34.96% | 65.1% | 128.95% |
5 Years | - | 171.58% | 159.65% | 278.19% | 482.3% |
10 Years | 470.27% | 181.96% | 181.93% | 238.99% | 329.17% |
Dalmia Bharat Old Historical Returns Seasonality with Monthly Returns Tracker
Last update at 28 Nov, 2018 3:31 PM (IST)
Year | Pattern | Annual Returns | Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec |
2018 | -25.87% | -8.16% | -10.17% | 8.29% | 6.82% | -9.85% | -16.92% | 16.17% | -1.01% | -12.48% | -9.25% | 13.54% | 0% | |
2017 | 137.11% | 36.37% | 2.33% | 3.62% | 11.16% | 12.03% | 2.02% | 7.28% | 2.8% | -6.76% | 17.6% | 5.03% | 1.62% | |
2016 | 55.2% | -16.74% | -12.32% | 25.83% | 6.26% | 6.25% | 33.01% | 20.84% | 15.52% | 11.94% | 9.6% | -21.66% | -16.14% | |
2015 | 93.3% | 6.84% | -1.62% | -10.15% | 2.82% | 38.9% | -2.64% | 20.3% | -1.62% | -6.36% | 7.79% | 6.18% | 16.03% | |
2014 | 167.86% | 1.49% | 2.08% | 45.07% | -5.35% | 56.28% | 26.64% | -6.13% | 4.85% | -7.64% | -1.62% | 18.12% | -9.95% | |
2013 | -6.15% | 0.56% | -8.33% | -11.21% | -12.63% | 4.69% | -3.73% | -18.6% | 5.24% | 8.87% | -0.17% | 6.99% | 30.74% | |
2012 | 46.84% | 5.82% | 0.23% | 11.37% | -11.11% | -18.36% | 6.22% | 1.35% | 6.76% | 40.05% | -4.28% | -10.25% | 23.88% | |
2011 | -44.59% | -7.27% | -18.63% | 8.61% | -1.83% | -5.62% | 0.45% | -15.97% | -9.93% | -16.14% | -0.47% | 7.55% | 6.93% |
Dalmia Bharat Old Returns with Open Price, Close Price, Highs, Lows and Distance from Highs and Lows
Last update at 28 Nov, 2018 3:31 PM (IST)
Time | Returns | Summary | Open | High | Low | Close | Distance % from High | Distance % from Low |
10 Yr | 470.27% | L470.27%H 398.153350 | 416.1 | 3,350 | 398.15 | 2,372.9 | 29.17% | 495.98% |
Dalmia Bharat Old - Daily Data
Dalmia Bharat Old Daily Data for Last Traded Price, Open, High, Low, Previous Close, Volumes, Number of Trades
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