Dear Sir/Madam, In continuation to our letter dated October 19, 2022 and in pursuance of Regulation 30(6) SEBI Listing Regulations read with Part A of Schedule lll of the said SEBI Listing Regulations, please be informed that the Company had convened and participated in the conference/analyst call details of which are as under: Day, Date and Time Subject Type of the Event Friday, 21st October, 2022 2Q FY23 & H1 FY23 and 5 P.M. (IST) We now enclose herewith the transcript of the said conference call. Kindly disseminate the above information on your website for the information of shareholders Yours truly, For Kewal Kiran Clothing Limited ABHIJIT B. WARANGE VICE PRESIDENT - LEGAL & COMPANY SECRETARY Encl: a/a