ITL INDUSTRIES LTD.-has informed BSE that the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company is scheduled on 14/11/2024 ,inter alia, to consider and approve 1. To consider & approve the Standalone and Consolidated Un-audited Quarterly/Half yearly Financial Results of the Company for the Quarter/Half Year ended September 30, 2024. 2. To take on Record the Limited Review Report by the Auditors for the Quarterly/ Half Yearly Financial Results of the Company for the quarter/ Half year ended September 30, 2024. 3. To approve the Un-Audited Statement of Assets and Liabilities for the half year ended on September 30, 2024 4. To approve the Un-Audited Statement of Cash Flow for the half year ended on September 30, 2024 5. Any other item may be taken up for consideration with the permission of the Chairman and with the consent of a majority of the Directors present in the Meeting, which shall include at least one Independent Director, if any.