Swadha Nature Ltd. BSE: 531039 | GSM
Swadha Nature Ltd. Live Share Price Today, Share Analysis and Chart
323 BSE Volume
BSE 10 Mar, 2025 3:31 PM (IST)
Swadha Nature Key Metrics
Swadha Nature Stock Price Analysis
Day Price Range | 11.7 (LTP) 11.711.7 LowHigh |
Month Price Range | 11.7 (LTP) 10.711.7 LowHigh |
52 Week Price Range | 11.7 (LTP) 8.613.4 LowHigh |
Swadha Nature Ltd. Live Price Chart
Swadha Nature Stock Analysis
Swadha Nature stock analysis with key metrics, changes, and trends.
Swadha Nature Metric | VALUE | CHANGE % | TREND | ANALYSIS | |
Annual Revenue | ₹0.16 Cr | 70.67% | positive |
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Annual Net Profit | ₹0.02 Cr | 180% | positive |
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Price to Earning Ratio | 103.87 | - | negative |
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Stock Price | ₹11.73 | 62.92% | negative |
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Quarterly Revenue | ₹0.01 Cr | 103.85% | positive |
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Quarterly Net profit | ₹0.01 Cr | 64.41% | positive |
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Debt to Equity Ratio | 0.87 | - | positive |
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Return on Equity(ROE) | 2.53 % | 2.53% | negative |
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Mutual Fund Holding | 2.44 % | 0% | neutral |
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Promoter Share Holding | 26.46 % | 0% | neutral |
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Interest Coverage Ratio | 374 | - | positive |
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Promoter Pledges | 0.00 % | 0% | positive |
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Earnings Conference Calls, Investor Presentations and Annual Reports
Swadha Nature Ltd. - Company Profile
What does Swadha Nature Ltd. do?
Swadha Nature is engaged has the world's largest cattle herd (buffaloes), the largest area planted for wheat, rice, and cotton, and is the largest producer of milk, pulses, and spices in the world. It is the second-largest producer of fruit, vegetables, tea, farmed fish, cotton, sugarcane, wheat, rice, cotton, and sugar.
Website: www.snl.in.net
Swadha Nature Ltd. Board of directors
Swadha Nature Ltd. - company history
Swadha Nature Limited was formerly incorporated as M S Securities Limited on February 12, 1992. The Company has changed their name from M S Securities Limited to Swadha Nature Limited on July 20, 2023. The Company engaged in making investments in capital market instruments, mutual fund and corporate loan to Promoter Company. The Company was a pioneer manufacturer of natural color based on modern technology. The monopoly that India once enjoyed in these commodities has been eroded over the year with the entry of other countries in the field. While tobacco exports have been affected by anti-smoking campaigns, the exports of rice, fruits and vegetables have been assed to the basket of exports from India. The Company has changed their object from "Diversified Commercial Services" to "Agriculture Business" on October 18, 2022.