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Mac Charles Stock Price Analysis
Day Price Range | 521 (LTP) 515525 LowHigh |
Week Price Range | 521 (LTP) 510554 LowHigh |
Month Price Range | 521 (LTP) 505580.8 LowHigh |
52 Week Price Range | 521 (LTP) 405674 LowHigh |
Mac Charles (India) Ltd. Live Price Chart
Mac Charles Stock Analysis
Mac Charles stock analysis with key metrics, changes, and trends.
Mac Charles Metric | VALUE | CHANGE % | TREND | ANALYSIS | |
Annual Revenue | ₹29.54 Cr | 69.44% | negative |
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Annual Net Profit | ₹66.18 Cr | 255.5% | negative |
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Price to Earning Ratio | -7.54 | - | negative |
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Stock Price | ₹521.00 | 25.74% | positive |
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Quarterly Revenue | ₹10.82 Cr | 14.8% | positive |
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Quarterly Net profit | ₹22.52 Cr | 2.57% | negative |
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Debt to Equity Ratio | 4.72 | - | negative |
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Return on Equity(ROE) | -37.75 % | -37.75% | negative |
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Mutual Fund Holding | 0.00 % | 0% | neutral |
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Promoter Share Holding | 73.78 % | -1.22% | negative |
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Interest Coverage Ratio | 0.08 | - | negative |
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Promoter Pledges | 99.49 % | 1.62% | negative |
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Mac Charles (India) Ltd. - Company Profile
What does Mac Charles (India) Ltd. do?

Mac Charles (India) is in process of constructing a landmark Grade A commercial building (Project 'Zenith') at the site of erstwhile hotel.
Mac Charles (India) Ltd. Board of directors
Mac Charles (India) Ltd. - company history
Mac Charles (India) Ltd, incorporated in Sep.'79, had established its hotel in collaboration with Holiday Inn, a division of Bass, UK. The hotel was promoted by C B Pradhanani, an NRI tycoon from Dubai. The five-star hotel made a soft opening in Nov.'86. In the next two years, the facilities gradually became functional and the hotel additives were in full swing. Failure to achieve planned business volumes, coupled with huge interest burden, sent it into the red. After a long downturn, there was a change in the company's fortunes in 1993-94. Presently, the Company is involved in generation of electricity through wind turbine generators located in Gadag and Bellary Districts and in construction & leasing of commercial real estate properties. The company has not spent much money on hotel renovation and refurbication and it may spend Rs 2-3 Crore on the entire renovation and refurbication as the Holiday Inn collaboration is nearing expiry and the Holiday Inn group will not renew it unless the hotel is totally renovated and refurbished. In 2003-04, the Company has dis-invested in Vaswani Properties Private Ltd and in Vaswani Investments and Holdings Private Ltd. M/s. Starwood Hotels & Resorts, USA acquired Le Meridien Group of Hotels worldwide, in 2005-06. The Company invested 100% share capital in Messrs. Nedstar Hotels Private Limited effective on 18 June, 2010. M/s. Starwood Hotels & Resorts, USA acquired Le Meridien Group of Hotels worldwide, in 2005-06. The Company invested 100% share capital in Messrs. Nedstar Hotels Private Limited effective on 18 June, 2010. The Company acquired 100% shareholding in Blue Lagoon Real Estate Private Limited and Neptune Real Estate Private Limited on 5th July, 2019 and hence they became wholly owned subsidiaries during the year 2018-19. The Company in 2022, disposed of its investments in wholly owned and material subsidiary i.e. Airport Golfview Hotels & Suites Pvt Ltd. And it ceased to be a subsidiary and also the material subsidiary of the Company. It acquired the investments in equity shares of Embassy Bhivandi Projects Private Limited and the name of this Company was changed to Mac Charles Hub Projects Private Limited. In 2022, the Company diversified into the real estate & property development business as per Main Objects clause of the Memorandum of Association of the Company. The preliminary work for construction of a landmark commercial building at the erstwhile site of the Le Meridien Hotel was completed in 2023.