20 November 2019 PGHH has maintained its focus on strengthening the brand fundamentals through strategic moves such as innovation, product launches, distribution expansion, and superior communication/execution. Sales increased 20% YoY in FY19, primarily led by the feminine hygiene segment (+24.4% YoY; 70% of sales). Healthcare segment too exhibited a healthy performance (+11.2% YoY), driven by 14% YoY growth in Vicks VapoRub. Under the Whisper brand, PGHH launched Whisper Choice Aloe Vera to tap into the rising fervor for naturals among the Indian consumers. Whisper school program created awareness among five million girls across 40,000 schools about the importance of menstrual hygiene in FY19. Notably, this program has reached 25 million girls since 1995. In Healthcare, the higher penetration for Rubs, new launches (premium lozenge Vicks 3-in-1), distribution expansion and strong advertising helped the segment to grow in double digits in FY19. Interestingly, ad spends were even higher at 12.3% (+180bp YoY) in 1QFY20.