sunith's portfolio and holdings

sunith's portfolio and holdings

As per corporate shareholdings filed for December 31, 2024, people matching sunith publicly holds 12 stocks with a net worth of over Rs 208.7 Cr.

These are shares held by sunith as per the shareholding data filed with the exchanges. The latest quarter tends to have missing data since not all companies may have reported their shareholding data till now.

Quarter Ending
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Stock Name Holders Name Current Price Rs Quantity Held Holding Percent Change from Previous Qtr Holding Value Rs History
Fourth Generation Information Systems Ltd. Chittoor Nallappa Reddy Sunitha Reddy 7.21 477,999 13.46% 0.00 34.5 L
Alufluoride Ltd. Sunitha Vemulapalli 440.70 1,732,383 22.15% 0.00 76.3 Cr
Athena Global Technologies Ltd. M Sunitha 79.00 1,641,326 11.68% 0.00 13.0 Cr
Beardsell Ltd. Sunitha Vemulapalli 28.65 849,800 2.15% 0.00 2.4 Cr
City Online Services Ltd. Ch Sunitha 6.12 123,000 2.38% 0.00 7.5 L
ICDS Ltd. Sunithi P Nayak 44.97 29,852 0.23% 0.00 13.4 L
Lakshmi Mills Company Ltd. S Sunitha 6160.00 3,563 0.51% 0.00 2.2 Cr
Manipal Finance Corporation Ltd. Sunithi P Nayak 17.06 6,272 0.07% 0.00 1.1 L
NAVA Ltd. Sunitha Vemulapalli 477.75 2,016,630 1.39% 0.00 96.3 Cr
Sri KPR Industries Ltd. G Sunitha 27.10 670,881 3.33% -0.02 1.8 Cr
Stove Kraft Ltd. Sunitha Rajendra Gandhi 789.95 200,000 0.61% 0.00 15.8 Cr
Solve Plastic Products Ltd. 32.80 75,440 Filing Awaited
(1.73% in Sep 2024)
24.7 L
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