1. The Board of Director have considered and approved the appointment of M/s H K Chhabra & Co. (089616) as Statutory Auditor of the Company w.e.f. 14.02.2025, Consent to act as statutory auditor is annexed. 2. To take note of resignation of M/s GSA & Associates LLP, Chartered Accountants [FRN- 000257N/N500339] Statutory Auditor of the Company w.e.f. 04.02.2025 due to M/s Tiwari & Mishra have been demerged from M/s GSA & Associates LLP so that the partner is no longer associated with the firm M/s GSA & Associates LLP. 3.UNAUDITED FINANCIAL RESULTS 4.STATEMENT OF DEVIATION OR VARIATION UNDER REGULATION 32 OF SEBI (LODR) REGULATIONS, 2015.