1.Alteration in the capital of the Company by split of existing equity share of the Company subject to the approval of shareholders of the Company 2.Appointment of Mr. Mukesh Patwa (DIN No.06676976) as Whole time director subject to the approval of shareholders of the Company 3.Appointment of Mr. Dhirendra Radheshyam Maurya (DIN NO: 00511403) as Non- Executive Independent Director of the Company subject to the approval of shareholders of the Company 4.The Company has approved Postal Ballot to be conducted in accordance with the provisions of Section 110 of the Companies Act, 2013 for above mentioned resolutions for approval of the Members of the Company. 5. Appointed M/s. Santosh Singh & Associates, (CP Number 17638), Practicing Company Secretaries to act as "The Scrutinizer'''' for conducting the Postal Ballot by way of remote e-voting process.