At the Board Meeting held on Monday, January 13, 2025, the Board approved a) the Un-Audited Financial Results of the Company for the Quarter and Nine Month ended December 31, 2025, b) change in designation of Mr. Sandeep Mandawewala to Managing Director of the Company subject to the approval of members c) appointment of Mrs. Pinki Kedia as an Additional (Non- Executive) Independent Director of the Company subject to the approval of members d) Conduction of postal ballot for the Regularisation of appointment of Mr. Sandeep Mandawewala (DIN: 03053339) as Managing Director and Mrs. Pinki Kedia (DIN: 08455451) as Non - Executive Independent Director of the company e) Appointment of M/s. Nidhi Bajaj & Associates as scrutinizer to conduct the postal ballot process and e-voting process in fair and transparent manner; and f) The notice of postal ballot including the cut-off date for reckoning Voting Rights and ascertaining those members to whom the Notice and postal ballot forms shall be sent;