NARBADA GEMS AND JEWELLERY LTD.has informed BSE that the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company is scheduled on 16/09/2024 ,inter alia, to consider and approve 1. To consider the recommendations of Audit Committee and Independent Directors, if any for the purpose of Scheme of amalgamation as was discussed by the board in their meeting held on 31.08.2024. 2. To consider, adopt and take note of the Share Valuation Report and Share Exchange Ratio as received from the Registered Valuers, if any. 3. To take note of the Fairness Opinion as submitted by the Merchant Bankers on the Share Exchange Ratio, if any. 4. To consider and subject to the above being transacted, to consider and approve the Scheme of Arrangement for Amalgamation of Narbada Gems and Jewellery Limited ('Transferor Company') with Uday Jewellery Industries Limited ('Transferee Company' /'the Company') ('Scheme'), on a going concern basis, under the provisions of section 230-232 of the Companies Act, 2013 and the Rules made thereunder 5. To consider and approve, obtaining an Adhoc limit upto Rs. 4.5 Crore from Kotak Mahindra Bank Limited for meeting the Working Capital Requirement.