With reference to the above captioned subject, we wish to intimate your esteemed exchange that as decided in the Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company held today Thursday 07'' September, 2023 at 4.30 P.M. for which intimation was already given to you, the Board of Director has: 1. Fixed the Date, Time and Venue of 40th Annual General Meeting (AGM) as Saturday, 30th September, 2023 at 4.00 PM. through Video Conferencing or Other Audio-Visual Means and the Calendar of Events for 40th Annual General Meeting of the Company. 2. Considered and Approved the Director''s Report for the Financial Year ended 31st March, 2023 and Draft Notice of 40th Annual General Meeting of the Company. 3. Considered and Approved the Appointment of M/S Jaymin Modi & Co as the Scrutinizer of the 40th Annual General Meeting of the Company to be held on 30th September, 2023.