In Continuatio of letter dated November 14, 2024 and pursuant to Schedule III, read with the regulation 30 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirments) Regulations, 2015, we attach herewith a copy of the Postal Ballot Notice dated November 22, 2024, along with the Explanatory Statement (Postal Ballot Notice) being despatched today i.e. November 22, 2024, for seeking the approval of the members on the Special Busninesses as contained in the Postal Ballot Notice. In accordance with circulars issued by the MCA from time to time the postal ballot notice is sent only in electronic form to members whose email addresses are registered with their depository participants in (in case of electronic Shareholding ) / the Company''s RTA (In case of Physical Shareholding) and whose names are recorded in the Register of Members/list of Beneficial Owners as on Friday, November 15, 2024. The Company has engged services of CDSL to provide evoting facility.