1. The Board recommended that the Company to seek the approval of the shareholders for the re-appointment of Sh. Komal Jain (DIN: 00399948) as Non-Executive Independent Director on the Board of the Company through postal ballot and e-voting, and thereby approved the draft of the postal ballot notice, postal ballot process and the explanatory statement thereto. 2. Approval of continuation of holding of office as Non-Executive Independent Director by Sh. Komal Jain (DIN: 00399948), upon attaining the age of 75 years. 3. Fixed Friday, March 07, 2025 as the cut-off date to record entitlement of the members to cast their vote electronically for the business to be transacted through Postal Ballot. 4. The Notice of Postal Ballot will be filed with the stock exchange simultaneously with dispatch of the same to Members of the Company.