The Board Meeting to be held on 03/09/2024 has been revised to 04/09/2024 The Board Meeting to be held on 03/09/2024 has been revised to 04/09/2024 inter alia 1. To Consider Acquisition of AirOWater Global Trading LLC, UAE:The Board will review the proposal to acquire a substantial stake in AirOWater Global Trading LLC, a pioneering entity in the production of the purest form of drinking water via Atmospheric Water Generators (AWGs). This technology, recognised as one of the most sustainable solutions to the pressing issue of global water scarcity, has successfully catered to diverse sectors including Government Institutions, Corporates, Hospitality chains, Supermarkets, Hospital chains, Educational institutions, and Community Centres. 2. To Consider issuing of Foreign Currency Convertible Bonds (FCCBs). 3. Any other business with the permission of the Chair.