The Board of Director considered and approved the following agenda(s): Approved the audited standalone and consolidated financial results of the Company for the quarter and year ended 31st March, 2024; Approved the change of the registered office of the company within local limit at Office No. 104, First Floor, 17/19, Ustad Building, Dhanji Street, Zaveri Bazaar Mumbai-400002; Approved the change of the address at which the books of account are to be maintained at Office No. 104, First Floor, 17/19, Ustad Building, Dhanji Street, Zaveri Bazaar Mumbai-400002; Approved the appointment of M/s. Deep Shukla and Associates, Company Secretaries, Mumbai, as Secretarial Auditor of the Company for F.Y. 2023-24; Approved the appointment of M/s. Viral P. Shah and Co., Chartered Accountants, Ahmedabad, as Internal Auditor for FY 2024-25;