This is to inform you that the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company has been just concluded today and following matter was discussed thereat: 1. The Financial Results of the Company for the quarter ended June, 2019, quarter and six months ended September, 2019 and for the quarter and nine months ended will be submitted to the stock exchange at the earliest. 2. The Company is not in the position to pay the Annual Listing Fees to the Stock Exchange due to financial stress on account of temporary closure of the plant of the Company, in this context Company is trying to arrange the payment and assure to pay at the earliest. 3. Name of Mrs. Shilpi Aggarwal, Director of the Company has been removed from the post of Chairman and member from the Committees of the Company due to her resignation from the post of Director. 4. Mr. Anurag Yadav, Director of the Company will take a charge of the Audit Committee as a Chairman.