Further to our intimation dated 13th August 2024 informing you of the convening of the Board of Directors Meeting, we wish to inform you that at the meeting of the Board of Directors held today (14th August 2024), the Board has: Mr Asif Khader, Managing Director is elected as the Chairman of the Company. Approved and taken on record the un-audited stand-alone and consolidated financial results for the first quarter ended 30th June 2024. The results are enclosed herewith for your records. The Standalone and Consolidated Limited Review Report for the first quarter ended 30th June 2024 is also enclosed for your reference. Appointment of Mr Mehul Jain, Practising Company Secretary, (COP 26136) as the Secretarial Auditor of the Company. Appointment of Mr Mehul Jain, Practising Company Secretary, (COP 26136) as the Scrutinizer for the 39th AGM of the Company. The meeting started at 6.00 pm and ended at 7.30 pm Request you to kindly take the same on records.