INERTIA STEEL LTD.has informed BSE that the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company is scheduled on 22/10/2024 ,inter alia, to consider and approve Appointment of Directors and CFO Mr. Karbari Dathrak as Chairman & Managing Director (CMD) Mr. Chetan Dathrak as Whole-Time Director (WTD) Mrs. Jayashree Dathrak as Non-Executive Director Mr. Ramesh Kacharu Rakh as Independent Director Mr. Santosh Ugale as Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Resignations of Directors and CFO Mr. Rajesh Govind Pote (Din: 10287655) Mr. Vijay Singh Shekhawat (Din: 03447468) Mr. Rajesh Rameshrao Salway (Din: 05145913) Mrs. Jeny Vinod Kumar Gowadia (Din: 03014009) Mr. Dhiren Ashok Bontra (Din: 09591605) Mr. Jatin Ravindra Gaikar CFO Approval of Share Split Proposal for the subdivision of the Company's equity shares, splitting the face value of shares from ?10/- to ?1/-.