Further to our letter dated February 3, 2025 regarding the Outcome of the Board Meeting, wherein the Board considered and approved the change in the Registered Office of the Company from Hira Baug, 1st Floor, Kasturba Chowk (C.P. Tank), Mumbai - 400004 to Unit No.501, 5th Floor, Nanavati Mahalaya, 18 Homi Mody Street, Fort, Mumbai - 400023 w.e.f. February 3, 2025. Please note that the PINCODE of the new Registered Office was inadvertently mentioned as 400023 instead of 400001. Registered Office Address w.e.f. 03-02-2025 :Unit No.501, 5th Floor, Nanavati Mahalaya, 18 Homi Mody Street, Fort, Mumbai - 400001