The Board of Directors in its meeting held today inter-alia; 1. Approved Issuance of Equity shares on Preferential basis subject to approval of shareholders, 2. Considered and approved convening of Extraordinary General Meeting on Friday, August 02, 2024, at 12:00 Noon in order to seek the approval of the shareholders of the Company for the matters specified above, and has approved the draft of the notice for same. The notice of the EGM shall be submitted to the Stock Exchange in due course in compliance with the provisions of the Listing Regulations. and 3. Considered and approved appointment of CS Ruchi Bhave, Practicing Company Secretary failing her CS Abhijit Dakhawe, Practicing Company Secretary, the Scrutinizer to scrutinize the e-voting process in a fair and transparent manner for the purpose of Extra-ordinary General Meeting of the Company.