ln accordance with Regulation 30 read with Schedule III of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, please find attached the schedule of analyst/ institutional investor meet/call. During the said meet/call, no unpublished price sensitive information was shared. The latest Investor Presentation is available on the website of the Company at https://investor.indiamart.com/FinancialResultsStatements.aspx
Pursuant to the relevant provisions of the SEBI Listing Regulations, we would like to inform you that the officials of our Company, Mrs. Bectors Food Specialities Limited ('Company') will be interacting with institutional Investors and Analysts on 30th June, 2023 in physical meeting/ via video conference and/or conference calls. This is to further inform that the copy of the Investor Presentation has been uploaded on the Stock Exchanges and on the website of the Company www.bectorfoods.com for your information and for the information of your members and the public at large. This information is submitted to you pursuant to Regulation 30(6) of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements), Regulations, 2015.
In compliance with Regulation 30 and other applicable provisions of the Listing Regulations, please find enclosed herewith Investor Presentation encompassing, inter alia, an overview of the Audited Financial Results of International Conveyors Limited for the quarter and year ended March 31, 2023.
In accordance with Regulation 30 read with Schedule III of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosures Requirements) Regulations, 2015, we would like to inform you that the Company''s representative(s) will be interacting with Analyst(s)/ Investor(s) as per the details given below: Day, Date & Time: Thursday, June 29, 2023 at 1.00 p.m. (IST) Name of Analyst(s)/Investor(s): Abakkus Asset Manager Meeting Mode: Physical meeting at the registered office of the Company Discussions will be based on publicly available information and copy of the Investor Presentation has already been made available on the website of the Company www.rupa.co.in. The Schedule of the aforesaid meeting is subject to change. The changes may happen due to exigencies on the part of Company/Analysts.
Pursuant to Regulation 30 of Listing Regulations, please find below the details of the scheduled investor meeting which will be attended by the representatives of the Company. [Note: The schedule of the aforesaid meeting may undergo change due to exigencies on the part of Investor/Company.] Please note that No Unpublished Price Sensitive Information (UPSI) is proposed to be shared by the Company during the aforesaid investor interaction. The Latest Investor Presentation and Corporate Presentation to be discussed has already been placed on the website of the Company i.e. www.hindalco.com . The above is for your information and record.
Pursuant to regulation 30(6) of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 ('the Listing Regulations') read with part A of Schedule III of the Listing Regulations, we wish to inform that the Management of the Company will meet with the following Analysts/Investors on Friday, 30th June 2023, the details of the same are given below: Sl. no. Name Venue 1 JM Financial Asset Management Ltd Mumbai 2 BofA Securities India Limited Mumbai 3 Steadview Capital Management Mumbai 4 ENAM Asset Management (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. Mumbai Note: The schedule of the aforesaid meetings is subject to change. The changes may happen due to exigencies on the part of Fund / Broking House / Company. Please note that no Unpublished Price Sensitive Information will be shared during the meetings. The discussion will be based on the financial and operational performance of the Company as published in the investor presentation/Investor updates which has been submitted with the stock exchanges and has also been uploaded on the website of the Company www.blsinternational.com for the information of members and the public at large. Pursuant to regulation 46 (2) of the Listing Regulations, aforesaid information shall be disclosed on the website of the company viz. https://www.blsinternational.com/ Kindly take the above information in your record. Yours Faithfully, For BLS International Services Limited
Pursuant to regulation 30(6) of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 ('the Listing Regulations') read with part A of Schedule III of the Listing Regulations, we wish to inform that the Management of the Company will meet with the following Analysts/Investors on Thursday, 29th June 2023, the details of the same are given below: Sl. no. Name Venue 1 Ananta Capital Mumbai Note: The schedule of the aforesaid meetings is subject to change. The changes may happen due to exigencies on the part of Fund / Broking House / Company. Please note that no Unpublished Price Sensitive Information will be shared during the meetings. The discussion will be based on the financial and operational performance of the Company as published in the investor presentation/Investor updates which has been submitted with the stock exchanges and has also been uploaded on the website of the Company www.blsinternational.com for the information of members and the public at large. Pursuant to regulation 46 (2) of the Listing Regulations, aforesaid information shall be disclosed on the website of the company viz. https://www.blsinternational.com/ Kindly take the above information in your record.