3 BSE Volume
BSE 13 Mar, 2025 3:31 PM (IST)
Sri Chakra Cement Key Metrics
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Sri Chakra Cement Stock Price Analysis
Day Price Range | 13 (LTP) 1313 LowHigh |
Week Price Range | 13 (LTP) 1313 LowHigh |
Month Price Range | 13 (LTP) 11.213 LowHigh |
52 Week Price Range | 13 (LTP) 313 LowHigh |
Sri Chakra Cement Ltd. Live Price Chart
Sri Chakra Cement Stock Analysis
Sri Chakra Cement stock analysis with key metrics, changes, and trends.
Sri Chakra Cement Metric | VALUE | CHANGE % | TREND | ANALYSIS | |
Annual Revenue | ₹227.62 Cr | 8.47% | negative |
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Annual Net Profit | ₹10.65 Cr | 35.96% | negative |
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Price to Earning Ratio | -0.23 | - | negative |
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Stock Price | ₹13.04 | 604.86% | positive |
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Quarterly Revenue | ₹25.86 Cr | 54.41% | negative |
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Quarterly Net profit | ₹12.77 Cr | 1384.31% | negative |
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Debt to Equity Ratio | 0.52 | - | positive |
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Return on Equity(ROE) | -23.44 % | -23.44% | negative |
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Mutual Fund Holding | 0.00 % | 0% | neutral |
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Promoter Share Holding | 51.61 % | 0% | neutral |
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Interest Coverage Ratio | 1.22 | - | neutral |
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Promoter Pledges | 0.00 % | 0% | positive |
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Earnings Conference Calls, Investor Presentations and Annual Reports
Sri Chakra Cement Ltd. - Company Profile
What does Sri Chakra Cement Ltd. do?
Sri Chakra Cement Is Manufacturing Of All Kinds Of Cement, Solar Power Generation.
Website: www.srichakracement.com
Sri Chakra Cement Ltd. Board of directors
Sri Chakra Cement Ltd. - company history
Sri Chakra Cement Limited, incorporated in March, 1981 is a part of a leading industrial group in Andhra Pradesh with over two decades of experience and expertise in the manufacture of quality cement. The Company is a manufacturer of OPC 53/43 and PPC Grade Cement and captive solar power generation. At a time when a handful of cement majors ruled the roost, the Company ventured into the market in 1985 in the name of 'Sri Parthasarathy Cement & Industries Limited'. The name was later changed to 'Goldstar Cements Limited' and subsequently to 'Sri Chakra Cement Limited'. In 2016, the Company initiated for setting up of 5 MW captive solar power plant at SriKalahasthi, Chittoor District of Andhra Pradesh to be completed in a phased manner over an extent of 30 acres. In first phase, 2 MW capacity solar plant was executed at an estimated cost of Rs. 12 Crores and the same was to be commissioned soon. The Company setup captive solar power generation unit at Srikalahasti with a total installed installed capacity of 5 MW for with an investment of about Rs 30 Crores in 2022. Sri Chakra is a popular brand in Southern part of India for its quality and commitment to service. It has shown positive results in the past few years inspite of the drastic market constraints and the market driven unfavorable situations prevalent. Under the leadership and guidance of the present Management and the former Chairman Sri N Krishna Mohan, with the vast experience gained, the Company has been revived and is running with profits.