With reference to the captioned subject, we hereby inform you that the Board of Directors of the company at their meeting held on Monday, 24th February 2025, based on the recommendation of the Audit Committee, have considered the appointment of M/s. M Sahu & Co. Chartered Accountants, as the Statutory Auditor of the Company for the financial year 2024-2025 to fill the casual vacancy arising due to resignation of previous statutory auditor M/s. M N & Associates, Chartered Accountants, subject to the approval of the members of the Company in the General Meeting of the Company. Disclosure pursuant to Regulation 30 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 read with Para A of Part A of Schedule III relating to the aforesaid is enclosed as an Annexure. The meeting commenced at 4 P.M. and concluded at 5 P.M.