6,900 BSE Volume
BSE 19 Mar, 2025 3:31 PM (IST)
Yug Decor Key Metrics
Market Capitalization | 39.2 |
PE TTM | 30.2 |
Price to Book | 3.3 |
Piotroski Score | 6 |
Rel Perf vs Nifty50 quarter% | -4.1 |
Rel Perf vs Sector quarter% | -1.8 |
ROE Annual % | 16.2 |
RoA Annual % | 8.8 |
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Yug Decor Stock Price Analysis
Day Price Range | 36.3 (LTP) 36.336.3 LowHigh |
Week Price Range | 36.3 (LTP) 36.336.3 LowHigh |
Month Price Range | 36.3 (LTP) 34.842 LowHigh |
52 Week Price Range | 36.3 (LTP) 31.355.9 LowHigh |
Yug Decor Ltd. Live Price Chart
Yug Decor Stock Analysis
Yug Decor stock analysis with key metrics, changes, and trends.
Yug Decor Metric | VALUE | CHANGE % | TREND | ANALYSIS | |
Annual Revenue | ₹28.1 Cr | 10.13% | negative |
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Annual Net Profit | ₹1.3 Cr | 13.76% | positive |
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Price to Earning Ratio | 30.15 | - | positive |
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Stock Price | ₹36.30 | 5.28% | negative |
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Debt to Equity Ratio | 0.26 | - | positive |
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Return on Equity(ROE) | 16.19 % | 16.19% | neutral |
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Mutual Fund Holding | 0.00 % | 0% | neutral |
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Promoter Share Holding | 69.48 % | - | neutral |
| |
Interest Coverage Ratio | 7.67 | - | positive |
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Promoter Pledges | 0.00 % | - | positive |
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Earnings Conference Calls, Investor Presentations and Annual Reports
Yug Decor Ltd. - Company Profile
What does Yug Decor Ltd. do?
Yug Decor is engaged in manufacturing and trading of various types of Speciliaty Chemicals such as water based adhesives and solvent based adhesives.
Website: www.yugdecor.com
Yug Decor Ltd. Management structure
Yug Decor Ltd. Board of directors
Yug Decor Ltd. - company history
Yug Decor Limited was incorporated on 23rd June 2003 in Ahmedabad, Gujarat. The Company is founded by Chandresh S. Saraswat, who has a vast experience in production and marketing of adhesives and plywood industry goods. The Company is a young and dynamic organization manufacturing different kind of adhesives- synthetic binders, synthetic rubber adhesives, synthetic resin adhesives, natural rubber adhesives, footwear adhesives, Contact Adhesive, PVA Glue, Wood Glue and Shoe Glue under the brand name of 'Yug-Col'. Presently, the Company is engaged in manufacturing and trading of various types of Specialty Chemicals such as Water based adhesives and Solvent based adhesives. The manufacturing facility is located in Santej, near Ahmedabad, Western India. The Company has also made presence in the field of paint and surface coating - distempers, cement primers, emulsions (interior paints and exterior paints), wood finishes for melamyme in glossy and matt finish and PU coating in glossy and matt finish, red-oxide, lacquer and wood primer. Recently the company introduced enamel, automotive paints and decorative paints under the brand name of 'Yug-Coat'. The Company purchased Manufacturing Unit Water and Solvent Based Chemicals/Adhesive in 2006-07. It acquired Unit II to manufacture solvent based Chemicals/Adhesive activities in 2011. In 2016-17, it further acquired the Unit III to undertake the manufacturing activities of paints and finishes. In May 2017, the Company launched a public issue of 11,08,000 Equity Shares by raising funds aggregating to Rs 2.89 Crore. The Company has been consistent in the field of Adhesives & Sealants. The Company is based out of India and exports all across the world, including Asia, Europe and Africa. Company had discontinued one of its business line i.e. paints division w.e.f. May 17, 2019.