TAAL Enterprises Ltd. BSE: 539956

TAAL Enterprises Ltd. Live Share Price Today, Share Analysis and Chart

2755.10 55.30 (2.05%)

31.20% Gain from 52W Low

948 BSE Volume

BSE 13 Mar, 2025 3:31 PM (IST)

TAAL Enterprises Key Metrics

All financials are in INR Cr and price data in INR
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High Financial Strength
70.0 / 100
Mid Valuation
41.0 / 100
Technically Neutral
38.9 / 100
Mid-range Performer These stocks are with strong quality. Their reasonable financials and technical aspects successfully gather investor's interest. View Similar Embed DVM

TAAL Enterprises Ltd. Live Price Chart

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TAAL Enterprises Stock Analysis

TAAL Enterprises stock analysis with key metrics, changes, and trends.

Annual Revenue₹198.31 Cr18.7%positive

Annual Revenue rose 18.7%, in the last year to ₹198.31 Cr. Its sector's average revenue growth for the last fiscal year was 10.02%.

Annual Net Profit₹37.15 Cr18.97%positive

Annual Net Profit rose 18.97% in the last year to ₹37.15 Cr. Its sector's average net profit growth for the last fiscal year was -30.56%.

Price to Earning Ratio18.4-positive

Price to Earning Ratio is 18.4, lower than its sector PE ratio of 28.59.

Stock Price₹2755.1014.65%positive

Stock Price rose 14.65% and outperformed its sector by 7.57% in the past year.

Quarterly Revenue₹46.95 Cr1.63%negative

Quarterly Revenue fell 1.63% YoY to ₹46.95 Cr. Its sector's average revenue growth YoY for the quarter was 11.03%.

Quarterly Net profit₹11.36 Cr47.97%positive

Quarterly Net profit rose 47.97% YoY to ₹11.36 Cr. Its sector's average net profit growth YoY for the quarter was -27.29%.

Debt to Equity Ratio--positive

Debt to Equity Ratio is zero as the company is debt-free.

Return on Equity(ROE)22.89 %22.89%positive

Return on Equity(ROE) for the last financial year was 22.89%, more than 20% in the last financial year, indicating an efficient use of shareholder's capital to generate profit.

Mutual Fund Holding0.00 %0%neutral

Mutual Fund Holding remained the same in the last quarter at 0%.

Promoter Share Holding50.98 %0%neutral

Promoter Share Holding stayed the same in the most recent quarter at 50.98%.

Interest Coverage Ratio31.65-positive

Interest Coverage Ratio is 31.65, higher than 1.5. This means that it is able to meet its interest payments comfortably with its earnings (EBIT).

Promoter Pledges0.00 %0%positive

Promoter Pledges are zero.


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Earnings Conference Calls, Investor Presentations and Annual Reports

Annual Report Mar-2024
Annual Report Mar-2023
Annual Report Mar-2022
Annual Report Mar-2021
Annual Report Mar-2020
Annual Report Mar-2019
Annual Report Mar-2018
Annual Report Mar-2017
Annual Report Mar-2016

TAAL Enterprises Ltd. - Company Profile

What does TAAL Enterprises Ltd. do?

TAAL Enterprises is engaged in principal business activity is providing Aircraft Charter Services.

Website: www.taalent.co.in

TAAL Enterprises Ltd. Management structure

All Gross Remunerations are in INR
Mr. Sudish Kumar Kuttappan Nair
Chief Financial Officer
17.58 Lac
Gross Remuneration
Priya Chouksey
Company Secretary, Compliance Officer
4.14 Lac
Gross Remuneration

TAAL Enterprises Ltd. Board of directors

All Gross Remunerations are in INR
Salil Taneja
Executive Chairman & WTD
3 Lac
Gross Remuneration
Shyam Powar
Independent Non Exe. Director
Gross Remuneration
Arvind Nanda
Independent Non Exe. Director
Gross Remuneration
Deepa Mathur
Independent Non Exe. Director
Gross Remuneration

TAAL Enterprises Ltd. - company history

TAAL Enterprises Limited (TEL) was incorporated in July, 2014, which was the erstwhile wholly owned subsidiary of Taneja Aerospace and Aviation Limited (TAAL). The Company is holding Non Scheduled Operators Permit (NSOP) and is providing Aircraft Charter Service The Company presently operates one Cessna Citation CJ2+ type of aircraft with a seating capacity of seven passengers. The aircraft is based at Pune airport and the Company has a loyal set of Charter customers centered around Maharashtra. The aircraft is maintained at the MRO facility of TAAL at Hosur in Tamil Nadu. In terms of the Scheme of Arrangement between Taneja Aerospace and Aviation Limited (TAAL) and the Company, TAAL demerged its Air Charter Business including investment in First Airways Inc., USA and Engineering Design Services Business conducted through TAAL Tech India Private Limited into the Company. Pursuant to the Scheme as sanctioned by the Hon'ble High Court of Madras vide Order dated June 22, 2015, received on July 23, 2015, the Air Charter Business of TAAL including investment in First Airways Inc., USA and Engineering Design Services Business conducted through TAAL Tech India Private Limited has been demerged into the Company as a going concern and the said Scheme became effective from with effect from October 1, 2014. In terms of the Scheme 31,16,342 equity shares of Rs. 10/- each, fully paid-up, of the Company have been issued to the holders of equity shares of Taneja Aerospace & Aviation Limited, in the ratio of 1 (one) fully paid-up equity share of Rs. 10/- each of the Company for every 8 (eight) equity shares held in Taneja Aerospace & Aviation Limited i.e., 1:8.

TAAL Enterprises Ltd. FAQ

How is TAAL Enterprises Ltd. today?
TAAL Enterprises Ltd. today is trading in the green, and is up by 2.05% at 2755.10.
TAAL Enterprises Ltd. is currently trading up 2.05% on an intraday basis. In the past week the stock rose 11.76%. stock has been down -6.61% in the past quarter and rose 14.65% in the past year. You can view this in the overview section.