Prashant India Ltdhas informed BSE that the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company is scheduled on 20/03/2025 ,inter alia, to consider and approve the tenders received for the disposal of used windmill / scrap from the Wind Power Division Situated at Dhank, Rajkot and/or to discuss any other business/matter with the permission of the Chair. Pursuant to the SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 2015 and BSE Circular No. LIST/COMP/01/2019-20 dated 2nd April, 2019 the Trading Window for dealing in Securities of the Company shall remain closed for all Director, Promoters, Key Managerial Person and their Relative & Designated Persons of the Company from 17th March, 2025 till the 48 hours after the Outcome of Board meeting.