Panabyte Technologies Ltd. BSE: 538742 | GSM

Panabyte Technologies Ltd. Live Share Price Today, Share Analysis and Chart

38.09 -2.00 (-4.99%)

39.88% Fall from 52W High

206 BSE Volume

High volume today

BSE 17 Mar, 2025 3:31 PM (IST)

Panabyte Tech Key Metrics

All financials are in INR Cr and price data in INR
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Not Eligible
Expensive Valuation
29.8 / 100
Technically Neutral
55.0 / 100

Panabyte Technologies Ltd. Live Price Chart

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Panabyte Tech Stock Analysis

Panabyte Tech stock analysis with key metrics, changes, and trends.

Annual Revenue₹3.98 Cr56.23%negative

Annual Revenue fell 56.23%, in the last year to ₹3.98 Cr. Its sector's average revenue growth for the last fiscal year was -6.68%.

Annual Net Profit₹0.46 Cr2.19%negative

Annual Net Profit fell 2.19% in the last year to ₹0.46 Cr. Its sector's average net profit growth for the last fiscal year was -21.5%.

Price to Earning Ratio81.92-negative

Price to Earning Ratio is 81.92, higher than its sector PE ratio of 55.03.

Stock Price₹38.0952.06%negative

Stock Price rose 52.06% and underperformed its sector by 19,543.18% in the past year.

Quarterly Revenue₹3.66 Cr275.46%positive

Quarterly Revenue rose 275.46% YoY to ₹3.66 Cr. Its sector's average revenue growth YoY for the quarter was 2.39%.

Quarterly Net profit₹0.05 Cr151.44%positive

Quarterly Net profit rose 151.44% YoY to ₹0.05 Cr. Its sector's average net profit growth YoY for the quarter was -44.72%.

Debt to Equity Ratio1.17-negative

Debt to Equity Ratio of 1.17 is higher than 1. This implies that company assets are financed through debt.

Return on Equity(ROE)-18.38 %-18.38%negative

Return on Equity(ROE) for the last financial year was -18.38%, less than 10%, indicating an inefficient use of shareholder's capital to generate profit.

Mutual Fund Holding0.00 %0%neutral

Mutual Fund Holding remained the same in the last quarter at 0%.

Promoter Share Holding2.22 %0%neutral

Promoter Share Holding stayed the same in the most recent quarter at 2.22%.

Interest Coverage Ratio0.51-negative

Interest Coverage Ratio is 0.51, lesser than one. This means that it is unable to pay interests with its earnings (EBIT).

Promoter Pledges0.00 %0%positive

Promoter Pledges are zero.


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Earnings Conference Calls, Investor Presentations and Annual Reports

Annual Report Mar-2024
Annual Report Mar-2023
Annual Report Mar-2022
Annual Report Mar-2021
Annual Report Mar-2020
Annual Report Mar-2019
Annual Report Mar-2018
Annual Report Mar-2017
Annual Report Mar-2016
Annual Report Mar-2015

Panabyte Technologies Ltd. - Company Profile

What does Panabyte Technologies Ltd. do?

Panabyte Technologies is primarily engaged in trading of Consumer Electronic&Electrical Goods and IT Hardware & its peripherals and Installation as well as Maintenance of Surveillance and Biometric systems.

Panabyte Technologies Ltd. Management structure

All Gross Remunerations are in INR
Harshada Ashok Mohite
Company Secretary, Compliance Officer
Gross Remuneration
Mr. Subhash Navrang Kanojiya
Chief Financial Officer
Gross Remuneration

Panabyte Technologies Ltd. Board of directors

All Gross Remunerations are in INR
Hetal Vichhivora
Whole Time Director
Gross Remuneration
Prakash Vichhivora
Chairman & Managing Director
Gross Remuneration
Shailesh Premji Gala
Independent Director
Gross Remuneration
Tejaswini More
Independent Director
Gross Remuneration
Independent Director
Gross Remuneration
Narayan Mundhra
Non Executive Director
Gross Remuneration

Panabyte Technologies Ltd. - company history

Panache Technologies Limited was formerly incorporated with the name as 'Ruby Traders & Exporters Limited' on June 16, 1981. The Company name then was changed from "Ruby Traders & Exporters Limited" to "Panache Innovations Limited" through Fresh Certificate of Incorporation dated March 23, 2017 and thereafter the name changed from Panache Innovations Limited to Panache Technologies Limited effective from 25th October, 2022. Panache Technologies Limited is a BSE listed and ISO 9001:2015 certified Company, engaged in Supply, Service, Manufacturing and Production. It is a leading solutions provider in the country, offering wide range of solutions and services across various verticals in technology solutions, consulting and business systems integration involving, electronic and security systems, card printing, asset management, and maintenance services for technology solutions, peripherals, and accessories. The Company is primarily engaged in trading of Consumer Electronic & Electrical Goods and IT Hardware & its peripherals and Installation as well as Maintenance of Surveillance and Biometric systems. During the year 2015-16, Mr. Sonal Gupta was the promoter of the Company. However, pursuant to open offer under Securities and Exchange Board of India (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and Takeovers) Regulations, Act 2011, the shares of promoter were acquired by the acquirer and hence post completion of open offer, which was after the reporting period 2015-16, the new promoters of the Company as on 31 March 2016 are Amit Rambhia, Nikit Rambhia and Devchand Rambhia. During the year 2017, Company changed the main objects of the Company from trading in textiles to manufacture, trade, distribution of Information Technology Products vide resolution passed by the members of the Company on 1st April, 2016 and the same was approved by the Registrar of Companies, West Bengal through Certificate of Registration of the Special Resolution Confirming Alteration of Object Clause on 10th June, 2016 and the Company has done well in this area of business. Further the Company in order to expand the business plans proposed to enter in to the market of dealing in water bottles containing ionized water. The Company incorporated a wholly owned subsidiary under the name "Eddy and Andy International Limited" on 18th July, 2016. During the year under review 2018, Panache Innovations DMCC became wholly owned subsidiary of the Company. During the year 2019, the company altered its Main Object Clause of Memorandum of Association to increase, expand and diversify the business of Company backed with the objective of carrying on business more efficiently and effectively. In 2019-20, the Company Hyundai Mobile Power Bank in strategic alliances with ecommerce platforms; launched Hyundai Inverter Led Batten 20W in India and also launched Hyundai Led Bulb 7W,9W & 12W Led Bulb. It then launched MOTOROLA FIXED WIRELESS PHONE as "MAKE IN INDIA". It developed wide network of 500+ Channel Distributors across India who operate as Secondary er and responsible to promote and distribute products to third er (dealer's/ End customers/ SME's). In 2022-23, the Company launched "Panache" Brand in Telephone Category i.e., Corded Landline Phone, Fixed Wireless Phone; launched new product like Rechargeable Led Lantern, 9W Speaker Bulb in FMCG goods product category to acquire additional set of customers through existing distribution network. The new Vertical opening focusing on Project based Services, AMC of Large Corporates, CCTV Surveillance etc. The Company further launched HYUNDAI NOVA, LED Rechargeable Lantern to supply emergency lighting in Developing country like India.

Panabyte Technologies Ltd. FAQ

How is Panabyte Technologies Ltd. today?
Panabyte Technologies Ltd. today is trading in the red, and is down by -4.99% at 38.09.
Panabyte Technologies Ltd. is currently trading down -4.99% on an intraday basis. In the past week the stock fell -4.99%. stock has been down -23.51% in the past quarter and rose 52.06% in the past year. You can view this in the overview section.