Sadhana Nitro Chem Ltd. BSE: 506642

Sadhana Nitro Chem Ltd. Live Share Price Today, Share Analysis and Chart

20.05 0.12 (0.60%)

New 52W Low in past week

511.6K NSE+BSE Volume

BSE 21 Mar, 2025 3:31 PM (IST)

Sadhana Nitro Chem Key Metrics

All financials are in INR Cr and price data in INR
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Medium Financial Strength
40.0 / 100
Expensive Valuation
17.8 / 100
Technically Bearish
17.1 / 100
Expensive Underperformer These stocks are medium in financial scores. They have bad valuation and technical scores as well. View Similar Embed DVM

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Sadhana Nitro Chem Stock Analysis

Sadhana Nitro Chem stock analysis with key metrics, changes, and trends.

Annual Revenue₹194.01 Cr33.68%positive

Annual Revenue rose 33.68%, in the last year to ₹194.01 Cr. Its sector's average revenue growth for the last fiscal year was -10.48%.

Annual Net Profit₹4.08 Cr28.43%positive

Annual Net Profit rose 28.43% in the last year to ₹4.08 Cr. Its sector's average net profit growth for the last fiscal year was -45.97%.

Price to Earning Ratio165.95-negative

Price to Earning Ratio is 165.95, higher than its sector PE ratio of 49.24.

Stock Price₹20.05-60.41%negative

Stock Price fell 60.41% and underperformed its sector by 78.88% in the past year.

Quarterly Revenue₹37.59 Cr15.83%negative

Quarterly Revenue fell 15.83% YoY to ₹37.59 Cr. Its sector's average revenue growth YoY for the quarter was 10.78%.

Quarterly Net profit₹2.58 Cr177.42%positive

Quarterly Net profit rose 177.42% YoY to ₹2.58 Cr. Its sector's average net profit growth YoY for the quarter was 193.63%.

Debt to Equity Ratio0.97-positive

Debt to Equity Ratio of 0.97 is less than 1 and healthy. This implies that its assets are financed mainly through equity.

Return on Equity(ROE)1.80 %1.8%negative

Return on Equity(ROE) for the last financial year was 1.8%, less than 10%, indicating an inefficient use of shareholder's capital to generate profit.

Promoter Share Holding65.11 %-0.36%negative

Promoter Share Holding decreased by 0.36% in the most recent quarter to 65.11%.

Interest Coverage Ratio2.6-positive

Interest Coverage Ratio is 2.6, higher than 1.5. This means that it is able to meet its interest payments comfortably with its earnings (EBIT).

Promoter Pledges23.68 %-0.76%positive

Promoter Pledges fell 0.76% QoQ taking the total promoter holding pledge % to 23.68%.


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Earnings Conference Calls, Investor Presentations and Annual Reports

Annual Report Mar-2024
Annual Report Mar-2023
Annual Report Mar-2022
Annual Report Mar-2021
Annual Report Mar-2020
Annual Report Mar-2019
Annual Report Mar-2018
Annual Report Mar-2017
Annual Report Mar-2016
Annual Report Mar-2015
Annual Report Mar-2014
Annual Report Jun-2013
Annual Report Mar-2012

Sadhana Nitro Chem Ltd. - Company Profile

What does Sadhana Nitro Chem Ltd. do?

Sadhana Nitro Chem is engaged in Manufacturing of chemical intermediates , heavy organic chemicals and performance chemicals and wireless network equipment and services.


Sadhana Nitro Chem Ltd. Management structure

All Gross Remunerations are in INR
Nitin R Jani
Company Secretary
1.23 Cr
Gross Remuneration
Rakesh Raichand Kothari
Chief Financial Officer
89.58 Lac
Gross Remuneration
Pranav S Shah
Chief Executive Officer(SBU), General Manager
43.94 Lac
Gross Remuneration
Narendra G Dharmadikari
Head(Projects, Process. )
41.42 Lac
Gross Remuneration
Vadilal J Modi
Deputy General Manager(Sales)
19.13 Lac
Gross Remuneration
V. Ramakrishnan
Deputy General Manager(Administration)
17.93 Lac
Gross Remuneration

Sadhana Nitro Chem Ltd. Board of directors

All Gross Remunerations are in INR
Asit D Javeri
Executive Chairman
1.68 Cr
Gross Remuneration
Seema A Javeri
Executive Director
1.68 Cr
Gross Remuneration
Abhishek A Javeri
Managing Director
1.68 Cr
Gross Remuneration
Priyam S Jhaveri
Independent Director
Gross Remuneration
Ayesha Sunil Patel
Independent Director
Gross Remuneration
Pradeep N Desai
Independent Director
Gross Remuneration

Sadhana Nitro Chem Ltd. - company history

Sadhana Nitro Chem Limited was incorporated on July 21, 1973. The Company is engaged in manufacturing of chemical intermediates, heavy organic chemicals and performance chemicals and wireless network equipment and services. The company has set up a plant for manufacturing meta amino phenol (MAP) with a capacity of 500 tpa with technical know-how from Biazzi, Switzerland. As on 31st March, 2024 Manekchand Panachand Trading Investment Company Pvt Ltd, holding company owned 61.91 % of the Company's equity share capital. The company went public in Aug. '93 with a issue of 3.98 lac equity shares of Rs 10 each, aggregating Rs 199.06 lac, to part-finance its diversification project for the manufacture of meta amino phenol (MAP) with the technical know-how from Biazzi, Switzerland. It has a well-knit market network in countries like the UK the US, Europe, Japan, Korea, and South-East Asian countries. The company diversified into the manufacture of downstream products, viz, metanilic acid and sodium meta nitrobenzene sulphonate. The company also purchased 100% shares in the share capital of Anuchem BVBA, Belgium which has, with effect from 1st April, 1998 became a wholly owned foreign subsidiary of the company. During 1998-99, the company has been granted status of 'Golden Export House' by Directorate General of Foreign Trade, Ministry of Commerce, Government of India. The company exports constitute more than 76% of the overall sales. The company had obtained ISO-9002 for its quality system from Bureau of Indian Standard during 1999-2000. The company has allotted bonus shares in the ratio of 2:5 in 2002-03. The shares allotted were 5,84,414 equity shares. During year 2010, Company converted one of its furnace oil based boiler to Bagasse based boiler. During 2014-15, M/s. Anuchem Pte. Ltd., Singapore ceased to be the wholly owned subsidiary of Company. In 2018, Company initiated production of CDB2 with an initial capacity of 125 TPA. The Company resumed manufacture of color former, a performance chemical it used to manufacture in 2019. It further elevated this capacity to 550 TPA from the existing 125 TPA in 2021. The Company commenced production of its first Para-Amino Phenol (PAP) Plant on June 7, 2022. In 2022-23, Spidigo Net Private Limited, a wholly owned subsidiary of the Company got merged with the Company effective from February 8, 2023. Company increased the ODB2 capacity to a substantial 2,400 TPA in 2023. The Company has expanded its ODB2 facility, increasing its capacity from 550 TPAto 2200 TPA in 2023-24.

Sadhana Nitro Chem Ltd. FAQ

How is Sadhana Nitro Chem Ltd. today?
Sadhana Nitro Chem Ltd. today is trading in the green, and is up by 0.60% at 20.05.
Sadhana Nitro Chem Ltd. is currently trading up 0.60% on an intraday basis. In the past week the stock fell -8.20%. stock has been down -56.07% in the past quarter and fell -60.41% in the past year. You can view this in the overview section.