24,000 NSE Volume
NSE 21 Mar, 2025 3:31 PM (IST)
Kalahridhaan Trendz Key Metrics
Market Capitalization | 12.5 |
PE TTM | 1.5 |
Price to Book | 0.3 |
Piotroski Score | 3 |
Rel Perf vs Nifty50 quarter% | -70.2 |
Rel Perf vs Sector quarter% | -56.7 |
ROE Annual % | 16.6 |
RoA Annual % | 6.1 |
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Kalahridhaan Trendz Stock Price Analysis
Day Price Range | 7.2 (LTP) 7.27.2 LowHigh |
Week Price Range | 7.2 (LTP) 6.47.4 LowHigh |
Month Price Range | 7.2 (LTP) 6.414 LowHigh |
52 Week Price Range | 7.2 (LTP) 6.472 LowHigh |
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Kalahridhaan Trendz Stock Analysis
Kalahridhaan Trendz stock analysis with key metrics, changes, and trends.
Kalahridhaan Trendz Metric | VALUE | CHANGE % | TREND | ANALYSIS | |
Annual Revenue | ₹194.31 Cr | 5.5% | positive |
| |
Annual Net Profit | ₹8.05 Cr | 20.89% | positive |
| |
Price to Earning Ratio | 1.55 | - | positive |
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Stock Price | ₹7.25 | -83.06% | negative |
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Debt to Equity Ratio | 1.38 | - | negative |
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Return on Equity(ROE) | 16.56 % | 16.56% | neutral |
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Mutual Fund Holding | 0.00 % | 0% | neutral |
| |
Promoter Share Holding | 68.24 % | - | neutral |
| |
Interest Coverage Ratio | 2.41 | - | positive |
| |
Promoter Pledges | 55.39 % | - | negative |
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Kalahridhaan Trendz Ltd. - Company Profile
What does Kalahridhaan Trendz Ltd. do?

Kalahridhaan Trendz is engaged in mainly in the business of manufacturing and trading of Fabric with embroidery works, Trading of grey cloths, purchase of grey cloth and printing and dyeing for preparing suiting, shirting an dress materials for sale it in the market In case of Embroidery Segment, our Company undertake the embroidery work for its own business as well as on behalf of the other clients. In addition to this we also get embroidery work out sourced. Our company also deals in purchase and sell of grey cloths as well as the suiting, shirting and dress materials. We have two embroidery knitting machines having capacity of 15000 meters per day. As a part of expansion of business activities, as a part of forward integration, we have also taken over the textile Dying and printing business unit on rent basis in February 2018, where we are carrying out the dying and printing of suiting, shirting and dress materials for our own use as well as on job work too.
Website: www.kalahridhaan.com
Kalahridhaan Trendz Ltd. - company history
Kalahridhaan Trendz Ltd was originally incorporated as "Kalahridhaan Trendz Private Limited" as a Private Limited Company dated May 27, 2016 issued by the Registrar of Companies, Central Registration Centre. The Company was converted into a Public Limited and the name of Company was changed to "Kalahridhaan Trendz Limited" and a fresh Certificate of Incorporation was issued by the Registrar of Companies, Ahmedabad dated November 27, 2017. Led by the Promoter & Managing Director Mr. Niranjan Agrawal, started his career with job in Textile Group and handled Finance, Administration as well as Marketing till the year 2000. After that, he started his own commission agent business in Textile Industry and in 2007, he established Dwarkesh Industries as Trading Concern. He started other units, M/s Ankita Textile Mills under the Proprietorship in year 2009 and M/s Aditya Exim in year 2011 under proprietorship of Niranjankumar Agarwal HUF. In 2014, M/s Manish Garments was taken over as a partnership unit, with the object to develop in the direction of textile industry. The Company is engaged in mainly into manufacturing and trading of Fabric with embroidery works, Trading of grey cloths, purchase of grey cloth and printing and dyeing for preparing suiting, shirting and dress materials for sale it in the market. The Company has two embroidery knitting machines having capacity of 15000 meters per day. In case of Embroidery Segment, it undertake the embroidery work for its own business as well as on behalf of the other clients. In addition to this, it get embroidery work out sourced. The Company also deals in purchase and sell of grey cloths as well as the suiting, shirting and dress materials. As a part of expansion of business activities, as a part of forward integration, Company has taken over the textile Dying and printing business unit on rent basis in February,2018, where it is carrying out the dying and printing of suiting, shirting and dress materials for own use as well as on job work too. The Company propose a Public Issue of 50,00,000 Fresh Issue Equity Shares.