Pursuant to Regulation 30 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, kindly find enclosed a transcript of the Q2FY21 Earnings Conference Call which was held on Thursday, 19th November, 2020. The aforementioned Earnings Conference Call, as per the transcript enclosed, incorporates mainly the highlights of financial results of the Quarter and Half Year ended September 30, 2020 and other related information which is already in public domain and/or made available / uploaded on the Company's website. Please take the same on your records.
Further to our intimation dated 27th December, 2020 regarding an investors / analysts Conference Call with regard to the Sugar Industry Scenario scheduled on Monday, 28th December, 2020, this is to inform that the said conference call was held today. Attached are the key highlights of the discussions held during the said conference call.
Pursuant to Regulation 30 read with Part A of Schedule III of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, we wish to inform you that the management of the Company had a con-call with Investors and Analysts on December 28, 2020. Please find enclosed the schedule of Investor and Analyst Meet. Kindly take the above on your records and oblige.
Outcome of Investor Group Meet held on December 23, 2020 hosted by Antique Stock Broking Limited in pursuant to Regulation 30 of Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosures Requirements) Regulations, 2015.
Subject: Disclosure under SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 (Listing Regulations) Pursuant to Regulation 30 of Listing Regulations, please find below the Schedule of Institutional investor(s) / Analysts meeting(s) /call(s) held on December 24, 2020 in Mumbai. Sr. No. Name of Institutional Investor(s) / Analyst(s) 1 Route One Investments 2 JM Financial 3 NJM Ventures Limited A copy of latest Investor Presentation has already been forwarded to the Stock Exchanges and is placed on the website of the Bank. In compliance with the Regulation 46, the information is being hosted on the Bank''s website at www.indusind.com. Kindly take the above information on record and oblige.
Subject: Disclosure under SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 (Listing Regulations) Pursuant to Regulation 30 of Listing Regulations, please find below the Schedule of Institutional investor(s) / Analysts meeting(s) /call(s) held on December 22, 2020 in Mumbai. Sr. No. Name of Institutional Investor(s) / Analyst(s) 1 Fidelity Management & Research Co. A copy of latest Investor Presentation has already been forwarded to the Stock Exchanges and is placed on the website of the Bank. In compliance with the Regulation 46, the information is being hosted on the Bank''s website at www.indusind.com. Kindly take the above information on record and oblige.