Trendlyne Talk
Trendlyne Talk
02 Dec 2020
Who says analysis can't be beautiful?: FII/DII and peer comparison charts

Humans are getting pretty good with reading data, but visual analysis always helps. We have been building powerful visualizations for our users, and among the most useful are FII/DII Analysis, and Peer Comparison charts in Financials. 

FII DII Analysis

Trendlyne's FII/DII Analysis lets you look at how much, and where FII and DII investors are buying and selling. It gives you snapshots, daily data, monthly data and overviews for equity, debt and derivatives inflows and outflows, for both FII investors and MF investors. 

Scroll down, and the table on the same page gives you a detailed visual analysis of FII and DII flows day to day over the past 30 days. Each individual table row can be expanded into a Sankey diagram, that shows you the inflows and outflows. 

The closed table also functions like a heat map, where the columns are color coded to indicate the intensity of inflows and outflows from FIIs and DIIs. Darker greens indicate bigger inflows than average. Darker reds indicate bigger outflows than average. 

Peer Comparison Analysis

The new peer comparison charts on every stock financials page allows users to quickly see how the company is doing, across various parameters, compared to their industry peers.

For example, for Infosys the user can quickly see how Infy is ranked among 108 industry companies in Market Cap, Momentum Score, PE TTM, Five Year Price Change%, and so on. 

Happy visualizing, 

Parul and the Trendlyne Team


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