One of the key metrics investors use today to shortlist stocks is the Price to Earnings ratio. In essence, this tells you the sum of money you are ready to pay for each rupee worth of the earnings of the company. The PE becomes especially useful when you also know the hisotrical PE values of companies, which till now has been hard to get. Now, Trendlyne has made available 3 new metrics in the Create Screener tool for subscribers - PE 3Year Average, PE 5Year Average and PE 10Year Average.
This allows you to create screeners such as this screener, which looks for companies with PE TTM lower than its 3 year, 5 year and 10 year averages and current PE less than 35. You can edit or clone this screener or make your own using these metrics.
Note that in some cases 3 Year and other PE averages can be skewed on the higher or lower side by one year of unusual performance.