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Shakti Pumps

Arihant Capital
Shakti Pumps specialises in manufacturing a broad range of energy efficient stainless steel pumps (with special focus on solar pumps) catering to a variety of sectors including agricultural, industrial, domestic and horticultural. Given government's thrust on solar pumps, Shakti having more than 50% market share in solar pumps, will be a key beneficiary of the increased demand for solar pumps. We expect Shakti to report 22.3% CAGR in its revenues over FY18-20E, while PAT will witness a CAGR of 32.5% over the same period. EBITDA margin is expected to stabilise around 17-18% level. We remain positive on Shakti's future...
Number of FII/FPI investors increased from 83 to 90 in Dec 2024 qtr.
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