vivek kumar's portfolio and holdings

vivek kumar's portfolio and holdings

As per corporate shareholdings filed for December 31, 2024, people matching vivek kumar publicly holds 20 stocks with a net worth of over Rs 714.1 Cr.

These are shares held by vivek kumar as per the shareholding data filed with the exchanges. The latest quarter tends to have missing data since not all companies may have reported their shareholding data till now.

Quarter Ending
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Stock Name Holders Name Current Price Rs Quantity Held Holding Percent Change from Previous Qtr Holding Value Rs History
PlatinumOne Business Services Ltd. Vivek Yogendra Kumar 130.00 41 0.00% NEW 5.3 K
BMW Industries Ltd. Vivek Kumar Bansal 45.12 14,039,580 6.24% 0.00 63.3 Cr
U P Hotels Ltd. Vivek Kumar 1560.00 90,354 1.67% 0.00 14.1 Cr
Atul Auto Ltd. Vivek Ashokkumar Patel 468.20 78,872 0.28% 0.00 3.7 Cr
Continental Seeds and Chemicals Ltd. Vivek Kumar Varshney 29.00 276,666 2.51% 0.00 80.2 L
Equippp Social Impact Technologies Ltd. Vivek Kumar Ratakonda 20.71 4,877,153 4.73% 0.00 10.1 Cr
Gujarat Fluorochemicals Ltd. Vivek Kumar Jain 3938.45 20,100 0.02% 0.00 7.9 Cr
Clenon Enterprises Ltd. Vivek Kumar Ratakonda 42.64 480,000 5.57% 0.00 2.0 Cr
Inox Green Energy Services Ltd. Vivek Kumar Jain 128.86 100 0.00% NEW 12.9 K
Inox Wind Energy Ltd. Vivek Kumar Jain 9572.90 504,469 4.19% 0.00 482.9 Cr
Marsons Ltd. Vivek Kumar Singhal 209.10 2,000,000 1.16% 0.00 41.8 Cr
Sarda Proteins Ltd. Vivek Kumar Bhauka 124.75 18,000 1.04% 0.00 22.5 L
SRG Housing Finance Ltd. Vivek Kumar Vashishth 300.30 175,795 1.23% 0.00 5.3 Cr
Supreme Industries Ltd. Akshay Vivekkumar Taparia & Vivek Kumar Taparia & Anika Vivekkumar Taparia 3427.85 232,230 0.19% 0.00 79.6 Cr
TCI Industries Ltd. Satyanarayan Agarwal (Satyanarayan Vivek Kumar Huf) 1300.00 770 0.09% 0.00 10.0 L
Tamil Nadu Steel Tubes Ltd. Vivek Kumar Kajaria 16.27 8,400 0.16% 0.00 1.4 L
Umiya Tubes Ltd. Vivek Kumar Bhauka . 27.28 150,000 1.50% NEW 40.9 L
Transpact Enterprises Ltd. 187.15 7,000 Filing Awaited
(1.81% in Sep 2024)
13.1 L
Olatech Solutions Ltd. 251.00 64,380 Filing Awaited
(1.49% in Sep 2024)
1.6 Cr
Grill Splendour Services Ltd. 102.90 100 Filing Awaited
10.3 K
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