raj kumar singh's portfolio and holdings

raj kumar singh's portfolio and holdings

As per corporate shareholdings filed for December 31, 2024, people matching raj kumar singh publicly holds 16 stocks with a net worth of over Rs 689.7 Cr.

These are shares held by raj kumar singh as per the shareholding data filed with the exchanges. The latest quarter tends to have missing data since not all companies may have reported their shareholding data till now.

Quarter Ending
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Stock Name Holders Name Current Price Rs Quantity Held Holding Percent Change from Previous Qtr Holding Value Rs History
Rajnish Retail Ltd. Rajnish Kumar Singh 7.82 38,875,010 25.36% 0.00 30.4 Cr
Rajnish Wellness Ltd. Rajnish Kumar Singh 0.95 56,951,395 7.41% -8.83 5.4 Cr
Alkem Laboratories Ltd. Raj Kumar Singh 5033.20 538,038 0.45% 0.00 270.8 Cr
Devhari Exports (India) Ltd. Bavel Rajkumar Singh & Rajkumar Shyamnarayan Singh 0.51 3,567,100 4.80% NEW 18.2 L
IB Infotech Enterprises Ltd. Rajkumar Shyamnarayan Singh & Rita Rajkumar Singh 178.35 819,245 63.97% 0.00 14.6 Cr
Jaiprakash Associates Ltd. Late Raj Kumar Singh 3.66 5,043,241 0.21% 0.00 1.8 Cr
Master Trust Ltd. Rajinder Kumar Singhania 125.10 25,803,570 22.98% 0.00 322.8 Cr
Nexus Surgical and Medicare Ltd. Rajeev Kumar Singh 17.06 100,000 1.83% 0.00 17.1 L
Prime Industries Ltd. Rajinder Kumar Singhania 81.15 2,350,306 15.01% 0.00 19.1 Cr
Datiware Maritime Infra Ltd. Rajkumar S Singh 15.38 75,000 1.50% 0.00 11.5 L
Sai Capital Ltd. Niraj Kumar Singh 219.10 138,600 4.81% 0.00 3.0 Cr
Union Quality Plastics Ltd. Rajkumar Singh 8.11 138,000 2.92% 0.00 11.2 L
AA Plus Tradelink Ltd. 1.44 713,600 Filing Awaited
(2.93% in Sep 2024)
10.3 L
Shantidoot Infra Services Ltd. 261.55 77,500 Filing Awaited
(4.31% in Sep 2024)
2.0 Cr
Sonalis Consumer Products Ltd. 51.07 148,000 Filing Awaited
(7.40% in Sep 2024)
75.6 L
Cellecor Gadgets Ltd. 55.25 3,307,800 Filing Awaited
(1.58% in Sep 2024)
18.3 Cr
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