pankaj jain's portfolio and holdings

pankaj jain's portfolio and holdings

As per corporate shareholdings filed for December 31, 2024, people matching pankaj jain publicly holds 14 stocks with a net worth of over Rs 90.5 Cr.

These are shares held by pankaj jain as per the shareholding data filed with the exchanges. The latest quarter tends to have missing data since not all companies may have reported their shareholding data till now.

Quarter Ending
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Stock Name Holders Name Current Price Rs Quantity Held Holding Percent Change from Previous Qtr Holding Value Rs History
Bajaj Hindusthan Sugar Ltd. Jayakumar Narayanswami, Nirad D Mehta, Pankaj Ijain (As Trustees Of Bhl Securities Trust) 20.36 31,100,000 2.43% 0.00 63.3 Cr
BJ Duplex Boards Ltd. Pankaj Jain 15.47 203,900 4.14% 0.00 31.5 L
Cistro Telelink Ltd. Jyotsna Pankaj Jain 0.79 2,100,000 4.09% 0.00 16.6 L
Cosco (India) Ltd. Pankaj Jain & Pankaj Jain (Pankaj Jain As Karta Of Pankaj Jain Huf) 229.20 331,840 7.98% 0.00 7.6 Cr
Grovy India Ltd. Pankaj Jain 49.20 134,924 1.01% -0.10 66.4 L
G V Films Ltd. Pankaj Babulal Jain 0.57 150,000,000 8.04% NEW 8.6 Cr
Haryana Leather Chemicals Ltd. Pankaj Jain 74.09 752,530 15.33% 0.00 5.6 Cr
Inter State Oil Carrier Ltd. Pankaj Jain 40.80 700 0.01% 0.00 28.6 K
Kewal Kiran Clothing Ltd. Pankaj Kewalchand Jain 483.00 80,000 0.13% 0.00 3.9 Cr
Mansi Finance (Chennai) Ltd. Pankaj A Jain 61.18 56,001 1.58% 0.00 34.3 L
Pushpsons Industries Ltd. Pankaj Jain 1,174,700 25.26% 0.00 -
Sea TV Network Ltd. Pankaj Jain 7.78 46,000 0.38% 0.00 3.6 L
Sheraton Properties & Finance Ltd. Pankaj G Jain 11.52 25,650 2.14% 0.00 3.0 L
Speedage Commercials Ltd. Pankaj G Jain 9.50 28,600 2.92% 0.00 2.7 L
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