mohan gupta's portfolio and holdings

mohan gupta's portfolio and holdings

As per corporate shareholdings filed for December 31, 2024, people matching mohan gupta publicly holds 9 stocks with a net worth of over Rs 795.3 Cr.

These are shares held by mohan gupta as per the shareholding data filed with the exchanges. The latest quarter tends to have missing data since not all companies may have reported their shareholding data till now.

Quarter Ending
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Stock Name Holders Name Current Price Rs Quantity Held Holding Percent Change from Previous Qtr Holding Value Rs History
Brilliant Portfolios Ltd. Madan Mohan Gupta 6.98 49,800 1.61% 0.00 3.5 L
Interworld Digital Ltd. Manmohan Gupta 0.33 17,976,616 3.76% 0.00 59.3 L
Jagran Prakashan Ltd. Devendra Mohan Gupta & Dhirendra Mohan Gupta & Mahendra Mohan Gupta & Shailendra Mohan Gupta 69.17 895,927 0.41% 0.00 6.2 Cr
Loyal Textiles Mills Ltd. Mohan Gupta 228.10 135,000 2.80% 0.33 3.1 Cr
Rapicut Carbides Ltd. Shivswaroop Jagmohanlal Gupta 84.10 79,548 1.48% 0.00 66.9 L
Rossell India Ltd. Harsh Mohan Gupta & Rishab Mohan Gupta 57.58 24,425,891 64.79% 0.00 140.6 Cr
Rossell Techsys Ltd. Harsh Mohan Gupta & Harsh Mohan Gupta & Son Huf & Rishab Mohan Gupta 253.20 24,425,891 64.79% NEW 618.5 Cr
Trans Freight Containers Ltd. Shivswaroop Jagmohanlal Gupta 34.42 131,345 1.80% -1.33 45.2 L
Unitech Ltd. Grish Mohan Gupta 6.50 38,746,005 1.48% 0.00 25.2 Cr
DCM Nouvelle Ltd. 153.75 - Investor holds below 1%
Jocil Ltd. 143.05 - Investor holds below 1%
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