minal b patel's portfolio and holdings

minal b patel's portfolio and holdings

As per corporate shareholdings filed for December 31, 2024, people matching minal b patel publicly holds 14 stocks with a net worth of over Rs 274.0 Cr.

These are shares held by minal b patel as per the shareholding data filed with the exchanges. The latest quarter tends to have missing data since not all companies may have reported their shareholding data till now.

Quarter Ending
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Stock Name Holders Name Current Price Rs Quantity Held Holding Percent Change from Previous Qtr Holding Value Rs History
Alphageo (India) Ltd. Minal Bharat Patel 242.74 88,492 1.39% 0.00 2.1 Cr
Bharat Bijlee Ltd. Minal Bharat Patel 2794.20 245,507 2.17% -0.04 68.6 Cr
Centum Electronics Ltd. Minal Bharat Patel 1482.90 272,363 2.11% 0.00 40.4 Cr
Golden Tobacco Ltd. Minal Bharat Patel 36.63 210,251 1.19% 0.00 77.0 L
Hathway Bhawani Cabletel & Datacom Ltd. Minal Bharat Patel 16.19 94,503 1.17% 0.00 15.3 L
High Energy Batteries (India) Ltd. Minal Bharat Patel 499.40 572,180 6.38% 0.00 28.6 Cr
Futura Polyesters Ltd. Minal Bharat Patel 12,191,620 22.22% 0.00 -
Manugraph India Ltd. Minal Bharat Patel 19.86 625,651 2.06% 0.00 1.2 Cr
RSWM Ltd. Minal Bharat Patel 136.27 642,431 1.36% -0.05 8.8 Cr
Rubfila International Ltd. Minal Bharat Patel 71.05 15,172,726 27.96% 0.00 107.8 Cr
Sagar Soya Products Ltd. Minalben Patel 2.83 420 0.01% -0.13 1.2 K
SMIFS Capital Markets Ltd. Minal Bharat Patel 68.80 162,931 2.77% -1.16 1.1 Cr
Transpek Industry Ltd. Minal Bharat Patel 1273.30 65,748 1.18% 0.00 8.4 Cr
Zenotech Laboratories Ltd. Minal Bharat Patel 56.72 1,077,733 1.77% -0.22 6.1 Cr
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