chetan kumar a's portfolio and holdings

chetan kumar a's portfolio and holdings

As per corporate shareholdings filed for December 31, 2024, people matching chetan kumar a publicly holds 11 stocks with a net worth of over Rs 1,815.6 Cr.

These are shares held by chetan kumar a as per the shareholding data filed with the exchanges. The latest quarter tends to have missing data since not all companies may have reported their shareholding data till now.

Quarter Ending
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Stock Name Holders Name Current Price Rs Quantity Held Holding Percent Change from Previous Qtr Holding Value Rs History
Ami Organics Ltd. Vaghasia Chetankumar Chhaganlal 2440.80 6,803,500 16.62% 8.84 1,660.6 Cr
A and M Jumbo Bags Ltd. Rathod Chetankumar Dineshkumar 8.00 1,500,000 14.29% 0.00 1.2 Cr
Atul Auto Ltd. Chetankumar Vasantrai Patel & Krishnaben Chetankumar Patel 441.65 347,904 1.25% 0.00 15.4 Cr
Bhagawati Oxygen Ltd. Chetan Kumar Chaturvedi 40.57 125 0.01% 0.00 5.1 K
DC Infotech and Communication Ltd. Chetankumar H Timbadia & Dhairya Chetankumar Timbadia & Dharmik Chetankumar Timbadia 250.15 4,100,000 30.37% -0.01 102.6 Cr
Hi-Green Carbon Ltd. Krupa Chetankumar Dethariya 203.15 1,100,000 4.40% 0.00 22.3 Cr
Padmanabh Alloys & Polymers Ltd. Chetankumar Mohanbhai Desai 18.05 18,100 0.33% 0.00 3.3 L
Prudent Corporate Advisory Services Ltd. Sunitaben Chetankumar Dhuwad 2336.55 1,500 0.00% NEW 35.0 L
Web Element Solutions Ltd. Chetana Nitinkumar Vora . 103,190 1.52% 0.00 -
Sotac Pharmaceuticals Ltd 118.75 1,086,750 Filing Awaited
(9.84% in Sep 2024)
12.9 Cr
Accent Microcell Ltd. 190.85 13,000 Filing Awaited
(0.06% in Sep 2024)
24.8 L
Technopack Polymers Ltd. 20.90 - Investor holds below 1%
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