ch narendra's portfolio and holdings

ch narendra's portfolio and holdings

As per corporate shareholdings filed for December 31, 2024, people matching ch narendra publicly holds 18 stocks with a net worth of over Rs 268.7 Cr.

These are shares held by ch narendra as per the shareholding data filed with the exchanges. The latest quarter tends to have missing data since not all companies may have reported their shareholding data till now.

Quarter Ending
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Stock Name Holders Name Current Price Rs Quantity Held Holding Percent Change from Previous Qtr Holding Value Rs History
Sriven Multi-Tech Ltd. Narendra Paruchuri 60,900 0.61% 0.00 -
Shreeji Translogistics Ltd. Narendra Chabildas Shah 10.38 3,816,100 5.46% 0.00 4.0 Cr
Adarsh Mercantile Ltd. Narendra Chhaganlal Solanki 10.23 136,100 3.70% NEW 13.9 L
Genpharmasec Ltd. Narendra Chhaganlal Solanki 2.05 6,009,409 1.09% 0.00 1.2 Cr
Akash Infra-Projects Ltd. Chandniba Narendrasinh Gol 25.88 53,334 0.32% 0.00 13.8 L
Andhra Sugars Ltd. Pendyala Narendranath Chowdary(Huf) & Pendyala Narendranath Chowdary 69.58 3,385,005 2.50% 0.00 23.6 Cr
Asian Hotels (North) Ltd. Narendrakumar Ramesh Chandra Raval 399.55 4,727,100 24.30% 0.00 188.9 Cr
B C Power Controls Ltd. Chirag Narendra Modh 2.01 795,480 1.14% 0.00 16.0 L
Daulat Securities Ltd. Narendra Kochar (Huf) & Narendra Kochar 44.30 180,800 3.62% 0.00 80.1 L
Flora Corporation Ltd. Dahiben Narendrabhai Chaudhari 7.58 102,430 1.17% 0.00 7.8 L
Garnet Construction Ltd. Narendra Mulchand Kedia 23.92 100 0.00% NEW 2.4 K
Niraj Cement Structurals Ltd. Nirmal Narendra Kotecha 59.29 450,000 1.04% -0.08 2.7 Cr
Seshachal Technologies Ltd. Ch Narendra 2.39 1,929,003 27.78% 0.00 46.1 L
Shilp Gravures Ltd. Narendra Ramkrishna Patil/Chhaya Narendra Patil & Chhaya Narendra Patil/Narendra Ramkrishna Patil 223.80 257,500 4.19% 0.00 5.8 Cr
Shubhlaxmi Jewel Art Ltd. Narendrasinh J Chauhan & Soham Narendrasinh Chauhan 20.20 5,155,480 58.56% -1.34 10.4 Cr
Southern Magnesium & Chemicals Ltd. P Narendranath Chowdary 149.20 20,000 0.67% 0.00 29.8 L
Giriraj Civil Developers Ltd. 293.00 704,000 Filing Awaited
(2.94% in Sep 2024)
20.6 Cr
Omfurn India Ltd. 93.75 1,020,000 Filing Awaited
(8.66% in Sep 2024)
9.6 Cr
Prima Industries Ltd. 23.47 - Investor holds below 1%
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