c m ramchand's portfolio and holdings

c m ramchand's portfolio and holdings

As per corporate shareholdings filed for December 31, 2024, people matching c m ramchand publicly holds 35 stocks with a net worth of over Rs 1,580.3 Cr.

These are shares held by c m ramchand as per the shareholding data filed with the exchanges. The latest quarter tends to have missing data since not all companies may have reported their shareholding data till now.

Quarter Ending
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Stock Name Holders Name Current Price Rs Quantity Held Holding Percent Change from Previous Qtr Holding Value Rs History
Dindigul Farm Products Ltd. Srinivasalunaidu Ramchandran Srinivasan 25.93 229,000 0.94% 0.00 59.4 L
Aether Industries Ltd. Kamalvijay Ramchandra Tulsian 862.00 11,690 0.01% 0.00 1.0 Cr
Agarwal Industrial Corporation Ltd. Ramchandra Agarwal & Ramchandra Agarwal Huf . 1056.55 704,666 4.72% 0.00 74.5 Cr
Angel One Ltd. Ramchandani Jaya Prakash 2331.00 30,770 0.03% 0.00 7.2 Cr
Coffee Day Enterprises Ltd. Kammargodu Ramchandregowda Sudhir 30.32 5,250,000 2.49% 0.00 15.9 Cr
Decorous Investment & Trading Co. Ltd. Sachin Ramchandra Sakpal 10.20 40,006 1.16% 0.00 4.1 L
Filtron Engineers Ltd. Prakash Ramchandra Bang 7.00 2,000 0.08% 0.00 14 K
Finolex Cables Ltd. Anil Ramchand Chhabria & Leela Ramchand Chhabria 947.60 6,504,736 4.25% 0.00 616.4 Cr
KBC Global Ltd. Karamchand Jagumal Karda 1.06 250,000 0.01% 0.00 2.7 L
Kirloskar Industries Ltd. Mahesh Ramchand Chhabria 3480.00 124,963 1.20% -0.06 43.5 Cr
Ladam Affordable Housing Ltd. Sugandha Ramchandra Rane 6.20 360,635 1.97% 0.00 22.4 L
Mohite Industries Ltd. Mohite Shivaji Ramchandra 4.90 9,176,324 45.65% 0.00 4.5 Cr
New Markets Advisory Ltd. Jayesh Ramchandra Patil 9.10 12,500 1.01% 0.00 1.1 L
N2N Technologies Ltd. Suraj Ramchand Popley 14.21 99,474 3.08% 0.00 14.1 L
Omnitex Industries (India) Ltd. Gul Ramchand Advani 309.00 515,683 12.27% 0.00 15.9 Cr
Perfect Infraengineers Ltd. Sharmila Ramchandra Singh 9.50 18,620 0.11% 0.00 1.8 L
Premium Capital Markets & Investments Ltd. Ashok Ramchandani & Harish Ramchandani 5.62 200 0.00% NEW 1.1 K
Rajasthan Gases Ltd. Kanhaiyalal Ramchand Thawrani 49.84 1,000,000 1.30% 0.00 5.0 Cr
Aarcon Facilities Ltd. Bharat Ramchandra Gupta 11.27 1,510,470 25.34% -0.03 1.7 Cr
SAB Events & Governance Now Media Ltd. Ramchandra Prabodhchandra Purohit 4.10 395,090 3.77% 0.00 16.2 L
Silverline Technologies Ltd. Mona Ramchand Sujanani 12.03 1,192 0.00% NEW 14.3 K
Sudarshan Chemical Industries Ltd. Vijaykumar Ramchandra Rathi 952.00 2,093,214 2.94% -0.08 199.3 Cr
Sunrest Lifescience Ltd. Ashok Ramchandra Mittal Huf 58.40 43,200 1.01% NEW 25.2 L
TV Vision Ltd. Ramchandra Prabodhchandra Purohit 4.45 1,309,810 3.38% 0.00 58.3 L
V2 Retail Ltd. Ramchandra Agarwal (Huf) 1763.85 155,000 0.45% 0.00 27.3 Cr
Vadilal Dairy International Ltd. Shailesh Ramchandra Gandhi 1,857,888 58.17% 0.00 -
Vadilal Industries Ltd. Rajesh Ramchandra Gandhi & Virendra Ramchandra Gandhi & Virendra Ramchandra Gandhi Huf 5166.15 506,054 7.05% 0.00 261.4 Cr
Vadilal Enterprises Ltd. Virendra Ramchandra Gandhi & Virendra Ramchandra Gandhi Huf & Ramchandra Gandhi & Rajesh Ramchandra Gandhi 10430.00 165,704 19.20% 0.00 172.8 Cr
VJTF Eduservices Ltd. Vinay Dharamchand Jain & Dharamchand Rajmal Shah 89.98 7,574,169 43.04% 0.00 68.2 Cr
Sanmitra Commercial Ltd. Jayesh Ramchandra Patil 10.48 18,800 1.71% 0.00 2.0 L
SSPN Finance Ltd. 7.95 40,000 Filing Awaited
(1.06% in Sep 2024)
3.2 L
SVJ Enterprises Ltd. 211.80 1,777,758 Filing Awaited
(31.91% in Sep 2024)
37.7 Cr
Plada Infotech Services Ltd. 17.80 12 Filing Awaited
Baweja Studios Ltd. 52.00 326 Filing Awaited
17.0 K
Pune E-Stock Broking Ltd. 137.00 1,895,685 Filing Awaited
(12.11% in Sep 2024)
26.0 Cr
Padmanabh Alloys & Polymers Ltd. 19.63 - Investor holds below 1%
Jaipan Industries Ltd. 30.98 - Investor holds below 1%
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