Monika 's portfolio and holdings

Monika 's portfolio and holdings

As per corporate shareholdings filed for December 31, 2024, people matching Monika publicly holds 20 stocks with a net worth of over Rs 416.5 Cr.

These are shares held by Monika as per the shareholding data filed with the exchanges. The latest quarter tends to have missing data since not all companies may have reported their shareholding data till now.

Quarter Ending
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Stock Name Holders Name Current Price Rs Quantity Held Holding Percent Change from Previous Qtr Holding Value Rs History
AMS Polymers Ltd. Monika 25.77 152,080 4.60% 0.00 39.2 L
Aanchal Ispat Ltd. Monika Goel 3.96 42,000 0.20% 0.00 1.7 L
Anna Infrastructures Ltd. Monika Mittal 21.68 10,000 0.26% 0.00 2.2 L
Arunjyoti Bio Ventures Ltd. Jainam Uday Shah Monika Uday Shah 14.10 618,840 3.32% NEW 87.3 L
Containerway International Ltd. Monika Uday Shah 44.63 135,000 1.17% NEW 60.3 L
Desh Rakshak Aushdhalaya Ltd. Monika Jain 30.13 1,212,020 27.31% 0.00 3.7 Cr
Garware Marine Industries Ltd. Monika Rajiv Garware Modi 27.00 381 0.01% 0.00 10.3 K
Garware Synthetics Ltd. Monika Garware 29.40 12,600 0.22% 0.00 3.7 L
Garware Hi-Tech Films Ltd. Monika Garware & Monika Garware Benefit Trust 4305.20 841,421 3.62% 0.00 362.2 Cr
Indo Cotspin Ltd. Monika Singla 31.00 291,720 4.09% 0.00 90.4 L
Mayur Floorings Ltd. Monika Khamesra 12.08 5,000 0.10% 0.00 60.4 K
Mohite Industries Ltd. Monika Shivaji Mohite 4.99 4,656,339 23.17% 0.00 2.3 Cr
Narmada Agrobase Ltd. Monika N Agrawal & Monika Neeraj Agarwal 17.77 2,233,560 5.88% 0.00 4.0 Cr
N R International Ltd. Monika Modi 5.00 424,712 3.98% 0.00 21.2 L
Panth Infinity Ltd. Monika Nikunjkumar Shah 6.99 444,053 1.78% -0.62 31.0 L
Rajkot Investment Trust Ltd. Monikaben Pratikkumar Valand 33.04 67,158 6.72% 0.00 22.2 L
Sanjivani paranteral Ltd. Monika Garware 262.00 249,466 2.14% -0.43 6.5 Cr
Signet Industries Ltd. Monika Sangla 48.05 2,143,500 7.28% 0.00 10.3 Cr
Fabino Enterprises Ltd. 29.60 24,000 Filing Awaited
(1.14% in Sep 2024)
7.1 L
Krishna Defence and Allied Industries Ltd. 680.20 350,000 Filing Awaited
(2.49% in Sep 2024)
23.8 Cr
Delta Industrial Resources Ltd. 9.50 - Investor holds below 1%
Remsons Industries Ltd. 116.92 - Investor holds below 1%
Megastar Foods Ltd. 210.99 - Investor holds below 1%
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