Manish Jain's portfolio and holdings

Manish Jain's portfolio and holdings

As per corporate shareholdings filed for December 31, 2024, people matching Manish Jain publicly holds 14 stocks with a net worth of over Rs 2,127.7 Cr.

These are shares held by Manish Jain as per the shareholding data filed with the exchanges. The latest quarter tends to have missing data since not all companies may have reported their shareholding data till now.

Quarter Ending
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Stock Name Holders Name Current Price Rs Quantity Held Holding Percent Change from Previous Qtr Holding Value Rs History
MRP Agro Ltd. Manish Kumar Jain & Manish Kumar Jain (Huf) 133.00 3,388,500 33.76% 0.00 45.1 Cr
Ajwa Fun World & Resorts Ltd. Manish M Jain 34.83 3,800 0.06% 0.00 1.3 L
Career Point Ltd. Manish Jain & Manish Jain 357.05 858,558 4.72% 0.01 30.7 Cr
Cosco (India) Ltd. Manish Jain & Manish Jain (Manish Jain As Karta Of Manish Jain Huf) 219.95 104,100 2.51% 0.00 2.3 Cr
Enviro Infra Engineers Ltd. Manish Jain & Manish Jain (Huf) 195.36 48,791,500 27.80% NEW 953.2 Cr
Gandhi Special Tubes Ltd. Manish Jain 728.20 131,009 1.08% -0.03 9.5 Cr
Hester Biosciences Ltd. Manish Jain & Manish Jain 1352.40 345,728 4.06% 1.18 46.8 Cr
ITL Industries Ltd. Manish Jain 352.05 93,850 2.93% 0.00 3.3 Cr
Linde India Ltd. Manish Jain 6021.00 1,711,463 2.01% 0.00 1,030.5 Cr
Manraj Housing Finance Ltd. Manish I Jain & Nitika Manish Jain 53.82 860,100 17.20% 0.00 4.6 Cr
Paras Petrofils Ltd. Manishkumar M Jain 2.52 258,815 0.08% 0.00 6.5 L
Sueryaa Knitwear Ltd. Manisha Jain 183,950 7.08% 0.00 -
T T Ltd. Vinitha Manish Jain 10.57 250,000 1.11% NEW 26.4 L
Grill Splendour Services Ltd. 92.00 162,000 Filing Awaited
(3.11% in Sep 2024)
1.5 Cr
Rathi Steel & Power Ltd. 28.67 - Investor holds below 1%
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