BRIDGE INDIA FUND's portfolio and holdings

BRIDGE INDIA FUND's portfolio and holdings

As per corporate shareholdings filed for December 31, 2024, people matching BRIDGE INDIA FUND publicly holds 19 stocks with a net worth of over Rs 2,506.4 Cr.

These are shares held by BRIDGE INDIA FUND as per the shareholding data filed with the exchanges. The latest quarter tends to have missing data since not all companies may have reported their shareholding data till now.

Quarter Ending
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Stock Name Holders Name Current Price Rs Quantity Held Holding Percent Change from Previous Qtr Holding Value Rs History
CMS Info Systems Ltd. Pinebridge Global Funds - Pinebridge India Equity Fund 436.55 1,831,000 1.11% -0.12 79.9 Cr
Dodla Dairy Ltd. Pinebridge Global Funds - Pinebridge India Equity 992.90 831,698 1.38% -0.03 82.6 Cr
Emami Ltd. Pinebridge Global Funds-Pinebridge India Equity Fund 562.15 4,999,000 1.15% -0.02 281.0 Cr
Garuda Construction and Engineering Ltd. Bridge India Fund 101.99 1,000,053 1.07% NEW 10.2 Cr
Gokak Textiles Ltd. Bridge India Fund 65.77 76,580 1.18% -1.91 50.4 L
GPT Infraprojects Ltd. Pinebridge Global Funds - Pinebridge India Equity Fund 92.28 2,646,000 2.09% -0.20 24.4 Cr
Gujarat Toolroom Ltd. Bridge India Fund 1.67 17,981,202 7.75% NEW 3.0 Cr
Hinduja Global Solutions Ltd. Bridge India Fund 488.05 1,385,800 2.98% 0.00 67.6 Cr
IndusInd Bank Ltd. Bridge India Fund 672.35 15,463,291 2.14% -0.33 1,039.7 Cr
Interarch Building Products Ltd. Pinebridge Global Funds - Pinebridge India Equity Fund 1393.80 430,000 2.58% 0.00 59.9 Cr
J G Chemicals Ltd. Pinebridge Global Funds - Pinebridge India Equity 309.90 480,863 1.23% 0.00 14.9 Cr
Kavveri Defence & Wireless Technologies Ltd. Bridge India Fund 45.06 316,968 1.58% 0.00 1.4 Cr
National Aluminium Company Ltd. Pinebridge Global Funds - Pinebridge India Equity Fund 187.87 18,622,000 1.01% NEW 349.9 Cr
NDL Ventures Ltd. Bridge India Fund 84.41 874,147 2.60% 0.00 7.4 Cr
Popular Vehicles and Services Ltd. Pinebridge Global Funds - Pinebridge India Equity Fund 98.55 1,164,535 1.64% -0.15 11.5 Cr
SJS Enterprises Ltd. Pinebridge Global Funds - Pinebridge India Equity Fund 819.30 397,393 1.27% NEW 32.6 Cr
Eraaya Lifespaces Ltd. Bridge India Fund 74.15 2,718,660 1.44% 0.05 20.2 Cr
Rajesh Exports Ltd. 156.12 25,977,031 Filing Awaited
(8.80% in Sep 2024)
405.6 Cr
MOS Utility Ltd. 258.20 549,600 Filing Awaited
(2.20% in Sep 2024)
14.2 Cr
eClerx Services Ltd. 2521.15 - Investor holds below 1%
PG Electroplast Ltd. 835.00 - Investor holds below 1%
Electronics Mart India Ltd. 116.37 - Investor holds below 1%
MPS Ltd. 2522.35 - Investor holds below 1%
Forbes & Company Ltd. 283.15 - Investor holds below 1%
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