In reference to our letter dated 25.07.2022, we wish to inform you that pursuant to the resolution passed by the shareholders of the Company through postal ballot on 14th July, 2022 for issue of bonus shares, the Board of Directors of the Company in its meeting held today, has approved the allotment of 42,93,132 (Forty Two Lakhs Ninety Three Thousand One Hundred and Thirty Two) equity shares of Rs. 10/- each as fully paid up bonus equity shares, in the ratio of 74:100 that is 74 (Seventy Four) bonus equity share of Rs 10/- each for every 100 (Hundred) fully paid up equity shares to the members whose name appeared in the register of members / list of beneficial owners as on July 25, 2022, being the record date fixed for the purpose. Consequently, the paid up equity share capital of the Company stands increased from Rs.5,80,15,300/- consisting of 58,01,530 equity shares of Rs. 10/- each to Rs. 10,09,46,620/- consisting of 1,00,94,662 equity shares of Rs. 10/-each.