we wish to Inform you that the Board of Directors ('Board') of the Company at its Meeting held today, i.e., on Thursday, February 13, 2025 (which commenced at 02.00 p.m. and concluded at 02.45 p.m.), inter alia, has approved/ noted the following matters: 1. Considered and approved an Un-Audited Standalone financial results of the Company for the Quarter and Nine Months ended December 31, 2024. 2. took note of the Limited Review Report of the Statutory Auditor on the Un-audited standalone Financial Results of the Company for the Quarter and Nine Months ended December 31, 2024. 3. The Board approved amendments to the Code of Conduct for Prevention of Insider Trading Practices and Code of Procedures for Fair Disclosure of Unpublished Price Sensitive Information. The copy of amended policy is made available on the website of the Company at http://www.stardeltatransformers.com.